
How Food Tours Can Still Be Fun For Picky Eaters

If you are a picky eater, you know it presents many challenges. Not only can it be difficult to eat a meal with family and friends, but going out to eat or eating on vacation can be troublesome as well. For many picky eaters, the problem compounds itself when faced with criticism from others. In many social situations, even the best of friends may try to pressure you into eating something you simply do not want.

As a result, many picky eaters, no matter their age, are reluctant to engage in many social activities, especially those involving food. However, while it may not sound like the best activity for a picky eater, a food tour can actually be an enlightening experience in many ways. If you are a picky eater or know someone who is, here are some ways a food tour can still be a fun time for everyone.

Small Samples of Food

If you embark on a food tour despite being a picky eater, don’t worry. On virtually all types of food tours, very small samples of food are offered to guests. In these situations, that means a sample that will have you taking only one or two bites of the food, which is something even the pickiest of eaters can tolerate. Since the samples will be so small, this will immediately alleviate the pressure you as a picky eater often face to finish a large portion of something you simply don’t enjoy.

Meeting Other Picky Eaters

If you are on a food tour, chances are you will not be the only picky eater of the group. This can be helpful, since finding just one other member of the group whose taste buds are very selective can immediately give you a person with whom you can bond during the tour. In these instances, the two of you can discuss what foods you like and don’t like, why you don’t like certain foods, and other topics as well. By having a fellow picky eater with you, the day can be far less stressful and perhaps even a bit fun.

Don’t Focus Entirely on the Food

When you are on a food tour, it sounds as if you should focus exclusively on the food. While some people may choose to do so, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. Instead, even if you find a sample or two along the way you enjoy, try focusing on other aspects of the tour, such as the scenery around you and the chance to meet new people. Since most food tours are held in places that often have beautiful scenery nearby, you can take your mind off your picky eating habits by instead looking around at beautiful mountains, lakes, or other wonders of nature.

Mild Flavors of Foods

No matter what type of food tour you may be on, chances are the samples of food being offered to guests will be the mildest of flavors. Whether you are sampling cheeses, fruits and vegetables, or other culinary delights, there is a likelihood you are bound to actually try something here and there that will delight your taste buds, prompting you to perhaps try something else that looks tempting.

Meeting New Friends

As mentioned earlier, you will likely meet a few other picky eaters on almost any food tour. But even if you don’t, you will still be with a group of people whose goal is to have a good time together. Because of this, you should have plenty of opportunities to strike up a variety of conversations during your tour. Once you do, there is a good chance you will find others who have similar interests to yours, which will give you the chance to learn more about your fellow tourists and probably make some new friends that day. As a result, even if you don’t find any foods to enjoy during the tour, you will probably have made some new friends.

Since picky eating is often linked to genetics, it can be hard to change one’s food preferences. However, by taking a food tour, you may discover a food or two along the way that tastes far better than you imagined.