
What to Know About Moving to Louisiana

Louisiana is sandwiched between several states including Texas and Mississippi. As such, it occupies a unique space on the map. This is the old south merges with French influence to create a place with lots of both resident and visitors. If you are thinking about moving here, you’ll find a rich culture and a modern, vibrant feel. You’ll also find a vast array of diverse housing choices, marvelous eating and local holidays that celebrate living and loving life.

The Weather

The weather in Louisiana is no small matter. The southern part of the state borders the Gulf of Mexico. As such, it is subject to the possibility of very heavy rains especially during hurricane season. If you’re planing to buy along the coast, you’ll need to get flood insurance. The rest of the state is also prone to heavy rains. When not raining, it gets very hot and humid. Summers are very hot indeed. Winter is slightly milder and slightly less humid. Temperatures in the fifties are not uncommon during the winter but the state can also see spikes of longer and hotter days. 

Diverse Housing

This part of the country has lots of housing options. If you want to go high end, head for major cities like Baton Rouge and New Orleans. There’s lots of homes with classic southern details such as lengthy front porches to help reduce the effects of the heat. If you have a housing budget that is less flush, you’ll also find many housing possibilities. Mobile homes are commonly seen here. They are a good choice for those on a budget. Apartments can also be found in many places with lots of updated amenities. 

Incredible History

The state has been settled for centuries. In that time, a remarkable culture has grown up here. Ever since the Louisiana Purchase, the state has been a land that people have wanted to explore further. The region was settled by many diverse cultures including Native American, French Huguenot and contemporary southerners. It’s also an area of magnificent wildlife. Egrets and ibis dot the sky on a routine basis and come down to greet people in many parts of the state. 

Delicious Food

One of the many wonderful things about life in Louisiana is the region’s delicious cuisine. Food and good meals are a center of life in this region of the country. The Cajuns who moved here brought French influences to the food that remain today. Cajun cuisine is marked by the use of ingredients found in Louisiana such as shrimp, tomatoes and okra. Onion, corn and andouille sausage are also much beloved parts of the dishes many chefs make their own. Creole food is also quite common in many parts of Louisiana. Savor complex sauces that rely on slow heat to bring in flavor. Oysters are popular appetizers, while the Spanish influenced jambalaya offers varied types of protein set on a bed of spiced rice. This is authentic local food so enjoy it. 

Many Holidays

Louisianans love a good holiday. This is where people make time out for fun. New Orleans is famous as the site of one of the nation’s largest Mardi Gras celebrations. There’s parades, floats and lots of good eating. Similar celebrations can be found in much of the state. Other holidays also mark a chance to enjoy life. Expect large celebrations all year long. Holidays like New Year’s Eve, Christmas, and Independence Day are a cause to head to the public square and salute your fellow citizens. 

Transportation Options

If you’re moving here, unless you live in an inner city, you will need to have a car. Some places such as New Orleans, make it possible to get around without one. Cars are essential in the rest of the state. You’ll want to have your own transportation to get around and see the sights. If you have time, take a tour of the entire state. It’s not large so you’ll only need a week or two. Check out places like the lush pine forests of Kisatchie National Forest and the Mississippi Delta region of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve.