
How to Improve Your Smile

Some people are born with a naturally gorgeous smile. Some people are not. It’s that simple. There are some instances in which your smile is very much a genetic trait, and there are some instances in which your smile is a product of your environment. A child who is not taught proper oral health care will not have a smile as beautiful as someone who takes good care of their teeth. A child who doesn’t eat a nutritious diet might not have a beautiful smile. Your teeth are more important than you realize, and learning to care for them is how you learn to achieve a beautiful smile. If you’re looking to improve your own smile, it’s helpful to start small and work your way through the process. 

Brush Twice A Day 

Brush every morning when you rise and every evening before you go to bed, and always brush for two minutes. You should spend approximately 30 seconds brushing each section of your mouth, and don’t consider anything less than two full minutes an appropriate amount of time. Everything you eat gets into your teeth, and it must be removed daily. Not only does this help keep your teeth clean, but it also keeps them strong and beautiful. If you aren’t brushing properly, you allow food particles and bacteria to cause infection, which can cause gum disease, which can cause tooth decay and cavities. These things destroy your teeth and your smile. 

Floss Every Day 

You can’t reach in between your teeth with a brush as well as you can with floss, which is why it should be a daily occurrence. If you’re not flossing every single day, you’re not taking proper care of your teeth. Even the smallest particles between teeth can cause cavities, decay, periodontal disease, and more. Did you know that your oral health can affect your everyday health? That means you’re more likely to develop certain forms of cancer and other health problems if you develop gum disease. You need to floss every day to minimize that risk. 

See Your Dentist Twice Yearly 

Even brushing and flossing daily is not as effective as a deep cleaning performed by your dentist. Make a twice-yearly appointment and stick to it. Every six months is the recommended time frame for you to see your dentist. Not only does a deep cleaning make your mouth healthier, but it also allows your dentist to check for oral health problems prior to them becoming a problem. A cavity that’s found when it’s still small and relatively new is much easier to treat than one that’s been ignored and untreated for years.

Drink More Water 

If you want a more beautiful smile, try drinking more water. While water is great for your overall health, it’s more so the fact that you’re replacing other drinks for water int his situation. Your smile is more beautiful when it’s bright and white, which means now is the time for you to limit your coffee and red wine consumption. You have to give up drinking a lot of tea, too. If you drink soda or juice or anything else that’s filled with sugar and other harmful ingredients, now is the time to stop drinking those altogether. Your smile will become more beautiful when you aren’t damaging your teeth. 

Speak With Your Dental Professional About Imperfections 

Unfortunately, not everyone has perfectly aligned teeth. If you suffer from teeth that are crooked, misaligned, or even missing, you’ll want to speak with your dental professional about additional work. This could be anything from braces to fillings to false teeth. You can have the whitest, cleanest, healthiest teeth on the block and still not have a beautiful smile if you’re not confident in it. Whatever leaves you feeling less than beautiful can be addressed with your dental professional. 

Confidence is where your beautiful, improved smile lies. People see the confidence in your smile, and they hear it in your voice. Try giving yourself the grace to focus on your positive qualities, and you’ll learn to see the beauty in your smile and yourself more than you see the imperfections and the flaws. Combined with all these tips on how to improve your smile, you can feel like a new person in no time.