
Why You Need to Add Audio-Visual Technology to Your Office

Audio-visual office technology has improved significantly in a relatively short period of time. The reason for this evolution has everything to do with the need for visual communication between remote employees, office staff and clients. Global networks and international corporations have driven this need for seamless communication, but smaller organizations also benefit from audio-visual technology’s dropping prices points and improved security measures. In a competitive environment, small businesses must meet sophisticated communication standards. Here are some detailed reasons why you need to add audio-visual technology to your office. 

Displace Shadow AV

Audio-visual communication technologies are rampant. Smartphone apps like FaceTime and Skype have increased user expectations. Users seek out easily accessible forms of communication regardless of device or operating system. Unfortunately, many users prioritize ease-of-use and greater accessibility over secure connections. IT staff have long been aware of security comprises that shadow IT can bring to companies. This danger has now spread to audio-visual tools and apps. A similar shadow AV situation is emerging. 

Web-conferencing gives teams and the companies they work for a competitive advantage. Employees understand this and often use the tools they have available. However, consumer oriented audio-visual communication tools often do not meet regulatory standards for many industries. In addition, these tools are not designed to protect proprietary information. For growing businesses, this kind of audio-visual communication can be risky. 

Business-oriented audio-visual technology makes use of VOIP and encrypted technologies. End-to-end security, alongside consistent use of uniform platforms and technology, creates an efficient collaborative environment. Secure platforms ensure that all users, whether staff, clients or remote workers, are safe from hacks and malware. 

Improve Management and Track Productivity

With so much focus on audio-visual communication within meeting rooms and huddle spaces, you might forget about digital signage. Digital signage might not seem like an essential form of audio-visual technology but some industries such as transportation, manufacturing and logistics benefit from this form of audio-visual tech. Digital signage alerts staff to road conditions, incoming orders and can report production rates. 

Enhance Communication

We’ve all sent an email or engaged in dialogue via Slack or some other business-approved communication channel only to have that message comes across poorly. Communication becomes sticky when meanings and intent are misinterpreted. Written communications amplify misunderstandings because without visual cues, voice tone and other forms of non-verbal communication message recipients tend to assume the worst. 

The Harvard Business Review recently interviewed an author who explained that humans seek out cues that help us identify one another’s intentions. When those cues are not present, we tend to fill in the gaps with negative thoughts and assumptions. Taking this into consideration, it is easy to see why regularly scheduled meetings that include visual and audio support can help foster collaboration and teamwork. By building trust and integrating collegiality with professionalism, audio visual technology improves efficiency and productivity. 

Increase On-boarding Speed

Growing businesses find themselves taking on new employees and contractors. Keeping everyone up-to-date on policies, workflows and other business practices can be time-consuming and tedious. No new employee enjoys on-boarding tutorials. No business wants to pause employee production due to lengthy training processes. Audio visual technology speeds on-boarding processes by providing efficient ways for new workers to access the information they need. 

Audio-visual tutorials and training videos can be accessed remotely from any device. They are also available to all employees who might need a refresher. Developing a digital knowledge center of videos, podcasts or other mediums fosters continuing education and professional development. Research has shown that individuals retain information at higher rates when it is presented visually. Because visual and aural learning is less intimidating than reams of tech manuals, it is also a more attractive form of learning. In addition, tutorials enhance uniformity and consistent processes. 

Finally, when looking at the myriad of collaboration platforms available it is reasonable to conclude that audio-visual technology is a flexible, secure and high-need tool for competitive businesses. Small businesses might not believe that audio-visual tools are a worthy investment, but clients and remote workers would likely disagree. Tools that include screen-sharing, end-to-end security, and clear audio and visuals help team members clarify intent and efficiently meet shared goals.