
6 Facts to Know About Using Digital Marketing for a Company

Digital marketing is something that every business, no matter what the size, must embrace if they are to remain competitive in the marketplace. Whether you are an online business or a local brick and mortar store, you need put more of your efforts into digital marketing. 

There is one main reason for this; that is where your customers are. Consumers are increasingly using their mobile device to conduct research and make purchases. If you want to grow your business the answer is clear; go digital

Here are five important facts that you need to understand before you take the digital plunge. 

1- Mobile Is Taking Over 

Your customers are already using their mobile devices to conduct business. In fact, over 50% of all consumers say they are exclusively using mobile devices for everything. They have abandoned their desktops and laptops for smartphones and tablets. 

This means that if your website is not mobile responsive you are in big trouble. Not only will your customers go to the competition, but Google will actively penalize your site if it not mobile-friendly. This means you will not show up in the search engines and it will be as if you do not exist. 

You must make it easy for consumers to buy from your business directly from their mobile device. A whopping 62% of them have reported making a purchase directly from their smartphone in the last six months. That trend will no doubt increase going forward. 

2- Buyer Impuls And Micro-Moments 

Micro-moments are the few seconds when a consumer makes a decision to buy. You can liken it to impulse shopping when you are standing in the checkout line at the supermarket. You decide right then and there to add that candy bar to your basket and do not give it another thought. 

Because your customer has her smartphone with her at all times she can make a purchase whenever the mood strikes her. This means that you must have a mobile-friendly website and a digital marketing strategy in place for just this type of moment. 

3- Planet Of The Apps 

Here is another way that mobile is taking over the business landscape. Consumers are now bypassing their web browser altogether and going directly to a company’s app. This is one of the most effective ways to engage with your customer. 

If you walk into any store or watch a few TV commercials you will notice how many businesses are promoting their app instead of their core business. They know that is where the eyes are and they want to capitalize on it. 

You may be thinking that you cannot afford to create an app, but you would be wrong. You can get an amazing app developed for less than $5,000. And this is a marketing tool that will be working for you 24/7. When you look at it that way, the price is cheap. 

4- The Rise Of Big Data 

One of the great things about digital marketing is the amount of actionable data it produces. Every business can watch as customers go through the buying process and identify areas that need improvement. 

You can easily see where your traffic is coming from and which offers are doing the best to convert prospects into customers. Measure everything, analyze the results and make the necessary adjustments. Very quickly you will have a lean, effective marketing process. 

5- Brand Management 

Branding has evolved from simply designing a logo and printing up business cards. Today nearly everything a business does has branding opportunities

Your social media presence is a prime example of this. Most consumers want to engage with a brand on social media. It is your job to decide what kind of personality your company will have. Are you serious and informative or fun and a bit snarky? 

The way you interact with your followers on social media will go along way to build or destroy your brand. You should look at social media as not only a marketing opportunity but as an extension of your customer service department. What are people saying about you on social media? That is your brand. 

6- Live Streaming 

Live streaming on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube offers a great way to interact with customers and prospects and also build your brand. 

You can go live at an event or conference or take your audience behind the scenes in your operation. You will be surprised at how many people want to see how a product is made. 

Armed with these six facts you can build out a solid digital marketing strategy. The key to being successful is consistency. Set a schedule and keep to it. Consider your business as a media company as well as your primary business. Inform, educate, and entertain your audience and you will see your bottom line grow.