
8 Pregnancy Tips for First Time Moms

Morning Sickness Blues 

If you don’t know now, you may soon realize that morning sickness is not just for mornings. For most women, this “sickness” can and will come at any time of the day or night. 

You can try to alleviate the nausea by these few things: 
– frequent small meals may help you not feel too full or too hungry 
– certain food smells may trigger nausea, so avoid them if possible (usually spicy, greasy, or strong smelling food) 
– try to keep bland foods on hands such as crackers, gelatin snacks, or even chicken broth 
– if your prenatal vitamins are making you sick, discuss options that contain less iron with your doctor or midwife 

Pregnancy Diet 

A healthy mommy now will help baby be healthy later as well. Yes, many will tell you to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Every woman will not be able to eat the same diet as another woman. That morning sickness can be a doozy, so there is no one right way for a pregnant woman to eat. 

So, if you are craving hot sauce with chocolate ice cream, go ahead. Well, as long as you try to throw in some carbs along with your vitamins and not eat your weight in ice cream, you should be good to go. 

Sleepy Time? 

Sleep is essential at all points of a pregnancy, but at first you may feel like you don’t even want to get up to walk to the bathroom. While you are trying to adjust your thinking about this baby, so is your body. If it is possible, slow down your lifestyle. Take those naps that you hated as a young child. Rest those feet. Don’t worry too much about the lack of energy. For most women, a lot of that energy returns for the second and parts of the third trimester. 

Baby on the Way! 

Being a first time mommy can be incredibly exciting, and you may just want to tell everybody as soon as possible. Take a deep breath and try to hold on to that news at first. Those first three months are when most miscarriages happen. Let you and your partner adjust to the news yourselves while that little one has a chance to settle in. Plus, this will give you time to decide what to do about working, school, and changing your existing schedules to meet your new needs as they arise. 

Beware the judgment of others! 

This is your baby and not theirs, and being judged by those around you is one of those things that is going to happen. If you ask for advice, take it with a grain of salt and go with what you feel is right. The choice is ultimately yours and be comfortable with that. 

Babies are cute, but price tags are not. 

You may want every cute little thing in the store, but unless you have unlimited funds, it just isn’t going to happen. Try the minimalist approach if at all possible, and don’t let people try to guilt trip you into buying more than what you may actually need. Try clearance sales. Ask other moms what they actually used. Ask yourself if you really need that many “cute” bottles. Remember, Babies grow fast. 

Doctor or Midwife? 

Depending on your insurance, you may have many options available to you. Not many women know that midwives are not just for home deliveries anymore. Many times, they work with OB’s right there in the hospital together. 

It is completely up to you with what level of care you are comfortable with. Some prefer minimalist care and go with a doctor. Some want a more hands on approach and want a midwife. Those that want a bit of both can have both. 

Do a bit of research of what your insurance covers and what is available to you in your area. 

Your Body, Your Baby, Your Way 

The choice is yours. Communicate with our doctor if you have worries and concerns. No question is a bad question when it comes to being a new mommy, and remember there is no one way to have a baby.