
5 Tips for Finding the Right Venue for Your Event

When you organize an event, there are many decisions to make. Consider planning out some of the important details beforehand to make everything runs smoothly. Deciding where to host your event is stressful and intimidating as there are many things to consider. Before you search for the perfect venue to host your event, you must understand the limits within your budget, the number of guests attending, and the type of event in which you are hosting. With all things considered, it is most important that you are satisfied with the overall outcome.

Most people who are hosting large and formal events should always book their venue at a minimum of six months in advance. This ensures your event is locked in with your chosen place of venue. It also gives you time to work through any other major decisions up until the day of your event. These details are of the utmost important when searching for your perfect venue. This website gives a brief summary of any major and minor details you should be considering. 


Try to keep the cost of the venue as low as possible. This will allow for you to use a larger portion of your budget for things like refreshments and entertainment. If you are flexible in any way, use it to your advantage. It is a great tool when negotiating the cost of any venue, since specific days probably cost less than others. Try to find out if you need a security deposit and if you do, find out if it is refundable. This is a huge cost to consider. If the venue has a cancellation policy or fee, you should know about it up front and take it into account when searching for your perfect venue. Knowing ahead of time will ensure that you are not taken by surprise if and when you decide to book with that particular venue.

Services and Amenities

One of the most important things to take into account is the services and/or amenities that the venue offers to you and your guests. Will your chosen venue provide tables, linens and chairs? Does the venue have a kitchen? If so, will they grant you access to it? Will they provide catering for your event? Is there a setup and/or cleanup crew? Is it capable of hooking up AV equipment? These are all things to consider when picking out the perfect venue. Making sure they offer everything you need at a reasonable price is the biggest of all details to take into account. 


As obvious as this one may seem, you might want to consider a reasonable distance from most of the guests’ homes or workplaces to make traveling to and from the venue easier. If many guests will be traveling from out of town, hosting your event near the airport or a nearby hotel will be highly favorable. Additionally, hosting your event at the airport hotel discards the need for valet parking altogether. 


This articlestates that most popular venues will refuse to do business with someone who does not currently have insurance at the time of booking an event. Most venues require a specific amount of liability from their clients. Call an insurance agent to discuss any affordable possibilities that may be available to you.


Accessibility is the idea that everybody, particularly people with special needs, can access the building and any of its amenities. Keep in mind the types of guests attending your event. If your event is going to have a high number of small children or infants, check the restrooms to see that there are diaper changing stations available. If your event leans more towards elderly guests and attendees, it is best to be sure your chosen venue has minimum stairs to climb and bathrooms that are easily accessible. Seating charts for either group is important to the overall event as well.

While there are many other important aspects when booking your perfect venue, these ones have proven to be the most important. Other considerations would be the type of event you’re having and whether it is formal or not. What kind of ambiance should it have? How would you like it decorated? Those are all details you figure out along the way.