
5 Benefits of CPR Training

According to statistics from the American Heart Association, 92% of people who experience cardiac arrest do not survive. When these incidents occur, the average victim has less than eight minutes to get the help they need before brain damage occurs and tissue begins to die, making it critical there be individuals nearby who can provide the necessary help. Because of this, more and more people are choosing to become trained in CPR, which has been credited with saving countless lives over the years. If you want to possess a skill that can potentially save the life of a stranger, coworker, or even a loved one, here are five benefits of receiving CPR training

1- Protecting Your Children

If you have young children in your household, being trained in CPR can potentially save their lives one day. This is particularly true of children who are ages five or younger, since this age group has high death rates from choking due to putting small objects in their mouths. By knowing CPR, you will be able to help your child should a life-threatening event occur, giving you tremendous peace of mind. More details about this can be viewed here

2- Help in Securing Employment

If you are trained in CPR, it is a skill that can possibly help you land a job. Since certain types of jobs and careers require CPR training, already being certified in this specialized lifesaving skill may be just the thing that lands you your next job. In fact, knowing CPR can be a key component of your job search if you are applying for such jobs as lifeguards, security officers, daycare staff, or other similar jobs. By being able to list this skill and training on your resume, an employer is very likely to view you as a person who cares about others and has a strong sense of responsibility, two traits employers love to have in their employees.

3- Feeling of Empowerment

Since a cardiac event can happen anywhere at anytime, being trained in CPR can give you a tremendous sense of empowerment and confidence in your ability to help save a life. For example, if you are out shopping, attending a sporting event or concert, or simply talking to a next-door neighbor, being skilled in CPR can mean the difference between life and death. Even under the best of circumstances, an ambulance is unlikely to arrive for several minutes, which is critical in these situations. By being able to administer CPR immediately and continue doing so until help arrives, chances are you will help save a person’s life.

4- An Ability to Assist During an Emergency

For people who have never administered CPR, they are often unaware of just how exhausting it can be to the person who is performing CPR. In many cases, the CPR provider gets quite tired after only two or three minutes. In these situations, it is important to have as many people nearby who can take over and keep the process going until medical personnel arrive. Thus, by being skilled in CPR training, you will be able to assist another CPR provider and take turns if necessary, giving the cardiac arrest victim a much better chance of survival.

5- The Ability to Teach Others

Once you learn how to administer CPR yourself, you will then have the ability to teach others around you the basics of this lifesaving procedure. By doing so, you will not only be providing others with a much-needed skill that can be used anywhere, but also greatly increase the chances those suffering a cardiac event will have someone nearby who possesses the specialized skills needed to maybe save their life. If you find you truly enjoy teaching this skill to other people, you can take certification classes online or through a local Red Cross or other organization. By doing so, not only can you teach a lifesaving skill, but probably pick up some extra money along the way.

With classes available at many locations within large and small communities, it is very easy to learn CPR in a short period of time, often within only a few hours.