
5 Advantages Of Background Screenings

When hiring an employee, a company naturally wants to believe everything the employee has said or given them regarding their employment and educational backgrounds is truthful. However, the reality of these situations is many people may attempt to lie about certain aspects of their background in order to land a job. Because of this, it is crucial to use background screenings to ensure a company does indeed hire the best person for the job. To learn more about why background screenings are more important than ever in today’s world, here are five advantages they can offer employers big or small. 

Protecting Against False Identities 

Because it is so easy in today’s world to steal another person’s identity, a background screening can help an employer or organization discover if the person in front of them is indeed who they say they are. Due to concerns about identity theft and the possibility of terrorist attacks, a background screening can use a tracing of Social Security numbers, verification of I-9 information proving the person is eligible to work in the United States, and a check of Homeland Security databases to properly verify an applicant’s identity.

Employment and Education Background 

For many people, one of the most important requirements to landing a new job is having the proper employment and educational background. Unfortunately, these are areas where the vast majority of applicants lie on their applications. By using a background screening, an employer can verify an applicant did attend the schools listed and attain whatever licenses, certifications, and degrees they claim to possess. Along with this, previous employment information can be checked, verifying such details as where they worked, length of time there, job title, salary, and if the previous employer was satisfied with their job performance.

Reducing Possibility of Workplace Violence 

Since workplace violence is sadly an all too common occurrence in today’s world, a background screening that also includes a thorough criminal background check can help reduce the possibility of an unexpected and tragic event taking place at a company. By using criminal background screenings, a company can verify if an applicant has any prior criminal history in such areas as theft, violent behavior in the workplace, domestic violence, or other areas that could pose a threat to others. This tool, coupled with the fact that in most cases prior behavior is a good indicator of future performance, can play a significant role in keeping a workplace and its employees much safer. 

More Efficient Hiring Process 

By using in-depth background screenings, employers can have a much more efficient hiring process. Instead of hiring employees only to be forced to let them go later on due to discrepancies in their employment and other parts of their histories, employers can be sure they are getting exactly the type of employee they expect when they make the initial hire. As a result, training costs and other aspects related to Human Resources are significantly reduced, since companies will not have to continually train new employees due to poor hiring practices. Along with this, the hiring process will result in an improved quality of applicants, since people will realize they must submit information that is completely truthful on their applications and resumes. 

Protection Against Legal Liability 

If there is one thing an employer fears, it is being hit with a lawsuit due to poor hiring practices. By using detailed background screenings, the chances of this happening are greatly diminished. Since many jobs will require applicants to work with children, elderly, or perhaps perform such tasks as driving on the job, it’s vital to make sure there are no problems in an applicant’s background that could lead to serious legal issues later on. For example, if an applicant will be driving on the job, employers want to make sure they have a clean driving record, no DUI convictions, and other related items that could pose a problem. Also, if a person will be working with children or elderly individuals, a criminal background screening can verify they have no convictions of sexual, physical, or domestic abuse.