How to Make Ironing Your Clothes Less of a Hassle

The primary mechanism of ironing is the concept of heat. The tool you’re using transmits heat to wrinkles on fabric and makes the fabric smooth and pleasing to look at. Now if that sounded boring, imagine actually standing there with an iron going through a large wardrobe of pants and shirts.
It’s no wonder that so many people purchase wrinkle-free clothes, despite the downsides of the chemicals used to create the wrinkle-free luxury of never having to iron your shirts and pants. Rather than turn to these easy solutions, here are a few tips that will help you enjoy your ironing duties more (or at the very least not dread them).
Not every single article of clothing you have needs to be ironed, and so many first-time ironers believe that even towels and socks need to be crisp and fresh. That’s a noble mission, but it’s one that may negatively alter your perception of ironing in general and make it seem like a true hassle. If you have a large wardrobe, it can be almost impossible to get to these items. Iron the items that people see you in and forget those socks and towels.
Scented Water
Believe it or not, there are more than a few recipes floating around that tell you how to bless your ironing water with scents like sandalwood and lavender. When it’s time to grab your iron again, having some of this water handy can make the chore a much more pleasant experience. Many people’s sense of smell is strongly connected to their emotions, so grab some ironing water that reminds you of your favorite childhood snow days or other pleasant memory.
Distract Yourself
Sometimes people are simply incapable of enjoying ironing, and no one can blame them. It’s not exactly a recreational activity. If you’re going to be miserable during an hour long ironing session, entertain yourself by turning on some tunes. Some people even watch television while ironing, although it’s recommended to simply listen to the program if you choose this distraction. Since irons are hot enough to cause burns, it’s wise to keep your eyes on your task. Listening to a soap opera is okay, though, and can really make ironing less of a chore.
Timely Ironing
If you let your clothes sit for hours or even days after they come out of the dryer, you are in for an unpleasant chore, even if you only have a few items to take care of. The longer those clothes sit, the more wrinkles you’re going to have to tackle. When you do a load of clothes, iron them in a timely manner, usually right after they come out of the dryer, and never let them just sit around building up a resistance to your ironing efforts.
If you’re overwhelmed by a large wardrobe, or if you absolutely can’t stand ironing, it might be time to consider using a clothesline. This time tested method can work on items that don’t really need ironing in the first place. Hanging clothes on a clothesline will take the creases out of the clothing without making you go through the entire ironing chore. It’s entirely passive once you hang up the clothes. Many people enjoy the exercise and fresh air they get from the clothesline method more than they enjoy ironing itself. If you have articles of clothing that are candidates for the clothesline, and you have a place for a clothesline, it might be time to give this method a shot.
Ironing is one of life’s little chores that many people struggle to complete in a timely way. Unfortunately, waiting to iron your clothes can make them even harder to iron, so the next time you have a washer load of clothes ready for ironing, tackle the task with these few tips here. You’ll find that with pleasant smells all around you, great music playing, and manageable clothing that’s fresh out of the dryer, you’ll feel a lot less overwhelmed and dread ironing much less the next time.