
How-to Spot Signs of Substance Abuse

Drug addiction can occur without any intent on the part of the addict. It can often occur during some type of social setting and more. There are a variety of substances that can be abused. It is important to identify any type of abuse as early as possible. This increases the chances of intervention happening before addiction can occur. 

Drug Abuse Is Widespread 

Recent data provided by the National Survey of Drug Use and Health to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) show that over 65 percent of people who are 12 and older used alcohol in the previous year. More than 17 percent stated they had used some type of illicit drug in the previous year. Over 48 percent of those surveyed reported using some type of illicit drug during their lifetime. 

General Signs 

There are always some general signs to look for if a person is suspected of abusing drugs

  • Becoming defensive when asked about possible substance abuse. 
  • Experiencing difficulties at school involving declining grades, no interest in school-related activities and more. 
  • Poor skin tone as well as bloodshot eyes and a run-down appearance. They may be constantly tired. 
  • Changes in eating habits that could include weight loss and a decrease in appetite. 
  • Changes in physical appearance such wearing clothing that is dirty or inappropriate. 
  • Problems with managing finances like forgetting to pay bills or paying bills late. 
  • An increased desire for privacy. 
  • Spending more money than normal as well as borrowing money to cover expenses. 
  • Decrease in energy when it comes to performing daily activities. 
  • Serious negative changes in personal relationships.


This category of drugs includes prescribed painkillers including Oxycontin, Vicodin, and others. It also includes illicit drugs such as heroin. Signs an individual is abusing opioids involves memory issues, slowed reaction time, severe mood swings, and more. Opioids will slow down a person’s digestive system. This will result in them experiencing constipation as well as other intestinal problems. A person who does not get their opioid fix will appear to have flu-like symptoms, become anxious and more. 


The signs a person exhibits when using this drug will depend on the specific hallucinogen. People using LSD could experience hallucinations and act impulsively. They may claim to see sounds and hear colors. An individual using PCP may not be able to feel pain. They are not able to tolerate loud noises. Psilocybin is known as a magic mushroom. Individuals taking this may have nausea, struggle to tell the difference between their hallucinations and reality. They could be drowsy, panicked and more. 

Club Drugs

GHB and Ecstasy, as well as ketamine, are well-known types of club drugs. Signs an individual is using them include poor coordination, increased body temperature, slurred speech, dizziness, clenched teeth as well as heavy sweating. 

Benzodiazepines And Barbiturates 

These are depressants and people will often get a prescription for them to treat sleep disorders as well as anxiety. Xanax and Valium are common types of benzodiazepine medications. Barbiturates are often used during surgery to treat seizure disorders. Individuals who abuse these drugs may seem depressed, uninhibited or feel dizzy. They could have confusion, blurred vision as well as balance issues. A person could also have involuntary eye movements. 


When an individual has used a stimulant, they may show behavior changes such as rambling or rapid speech as well as aggression. A person using a stimulant could have increased energy, dilated pupils and a quickened rate or breathing. There are cases where people have become hostile and paranoid. When the drug is snorted by the user, a common sign is nasal congestion. It could also cause damage to the mucous membrane inside an individual’s nose. 


People who have significantly abused alcohol could experience memory loss and blackouts. They could have broken capillaries as well as flushed skin. A person’s hands could tremble and their voice could have a huskier tone. When someone abuses alcohol for a long period of time, it could result in them vomiting blood as well as having chronic diarrhea and more. They may not be able to control how much they drink or want to drink alone. A person abusing alcohol could drink to improve their mood, relax as well as sleep and more. 

When a person is suspected of substance abuse, the significant signs begin with their behavior. No matter what the substance, there will be a significant change in the way a person normally behaves. Everyone is different. Unusual or new behavior may be explained by a recent traumatic experience or an illness. It is important for everyone to be aware of the common signs of someone engaging in substance abuse.