
How to Promote Mental Health in Young Children

Children being building their mental health when they are very young. Even as infants, children are using their experiences as the basis for their mental health capabilities. Every relationship a child has affects their mental health development in some way.

If a child begins building toxic mental health, they may have issues with the way that they learn and how they relate to other people. Poor mental health can even cause physical problems throughout the child’s life. These issues can stick with them for life if they do not get adequate help.

In a study done at Harvard University called InBrief: Early Childhood Mental Health, it is explained that it can be difficult to diagnose and treat mental health issues in children, so it is important that mental health is being promoted from the beginning of each child’s life.

How to Promote Mental Health in Young Children

Tackle bullying

Teach your child that it is not okay to bully and that they should not tolerate being bullied, either. Children who experience bullying when they are young tend to have poor mental health all throughout their lives.

Educate children about mental health issues

If we want children to have good mental health, they must know all about it. They should know what health issues are common or prevalent in the family and the environment they live in. They should know that it is safe to discuss any issues, as well.

Help children recognize their needs

Teaching children to recognize their own needs is a great way to promote mental health. Children must know how to take care of themselves, or at least how to take care of their basic needs, and they should be encouraged to do so. They should also be taught how to ask an adult for help with their needs.

Encourage special education in those who need it

So many children with learning or social disorders develop unstable mental health issues. In order to help them prevent or overcome mental health issues, special education should be encouraged that caters to their needs.

Invest time and resources to meet children’s social needs

If this is done, the chance that the child will be socially excluded will decrease. According to P. C. Shastri from the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, a mental illness will cause a child to struggle with relating socially to peers, resulting in exclusion, which can worsen a mental illness.

Ensure a nurturing environment from the beginning

This begins with a social and family environment when the child is an infant. Then, when child care or preschool is necessary, it is important to ensure that the child’s new caregivers are nurturing. Nurturing caregivers can give children the tools they need to develop good mental health.

Allow caregivers and educators to encourage positive mental health

Don’t discourage caregivers or educators from providing children with positive mental health encouragement. A child needs guidance and encouragement from many adults, not just the parents.

Encourage the child to improve skills and gain knowledge

Improving skills and gaining knowledge allows children to see their worth. They will feel more independent and competent, and it will make them feel as if they are capable. These are all important ways for a child to feel when it comes to promoting mental health.

Let children give their input on things that will affect their lives

When children feel that all of their decisions are made for them instead of with them, they make being to develop poor mental health. Children, even at an early age, need to feel like they get to choose for themselves. Obviously, they won’t be making big decisions quite yet, but even the little ones can help promote mental health.