
How to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign

Email marketing is one of the most effective and popular tools used to build brand awareness while also garnering subscribers and dedicated followers. While email may seem outdated when compared to social media and instant messaging apps available on smartphones today, it is still one of the best ways to market a business and brand while generating leads, visitors, and ultimately, sales. With a few tips and tricks, drastically improve your next email marketing campaign to maximize your online reach and exposure as you continue to scale your business and brand in any market or industry.

Clean Up Your Email Lists Regularly

As you begin to expand your email subscriber list, it is important to clean and scrub your list on regularly to avoid sending emails to addresses that are not valid or no longer exist. Oftentimes when users subscribe to an email newsletter or register as a member on a website, they use a fake email address to prevent their inboxes from becoming overwhelmed with spam and unwanted messages. Use a scrub and verification service to scan your email subscriber list regularly to avoid sending unnecessary emails or paying for a larger campaign than you genuinely need.

Personalization is Key

Did you know that approximately 75% of email-based revenue is generated from personalized email marketing campaigns? Users and prospective customers are much more likely to open an email that is personalized with their names or emails that are designed to appeal to them directly (based on shopping preferences, interests, or even their location). Personalizing your email campaign strategy is extremely important, especially when you are building a business or brand from the ground up and looking to grow your current subscriber base.

Create Segmented Email Lists

One way to boost the overall effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns is to create segmented email lists using specific parameters and identifiers. When you choose to create segmented email lists, hone in on your subscribers and send different emails to users based on their shopping habits, the number of times they have visited your website, or even if they are new to your email list. Some of the most common types of segmented email lists include:

  • First-Time Subscriber: When a user registers as a newsletter subscriber for the first time, send an email that is different from your traditional newsletter. A new subscriber should trigger an automatic welcome email that includes referral codes, promotional information, or even discount codes that are only available for a set amount of time (to incentivize subscribers to make a purchase).
  • Items in Shopping Cart: If you have an eCommerce site, consider sending personalized emails to users who currently have items in their shopping cart but have yet to complete the process. Simply sending a reminder along with potential discounts or deals can drastically increase your chance of generating additional sales and revenue.
  • Loyal Shopper: Sending highly customized emails to your most loyal followers and shoppers not only shows you care about them, but keeps them coming back to your website for more in the future. Offer exclusive discounts and promotional codes that are unavailable anywhere else to those who have shown their loyalty to you.

Use Emojis

Use emojis in your email’s subject lines to captivate your readers while grabbing the attention of subscribers who have a packed inbox. Emojis can help users identify your emails while setting your business and brand apart from other email newsletters they receive regularly.

A/B Testing

A/B testing is a fundamental element involved in running successful email marketing campaigns. Use A/B testing to learn more about what type of messaging, copy, and imagery works best to convey information to your followers and potential customers. Use A/B testing to gain valuable insight into the most effective ways to communicate with your desired audience with each new email you send.

Understanding the significance of email marketing campaigns is a way to craft newsletters that are relevant and those that resonate with the audience and demographics you intend to reach. With the right email marketing campaign strategy, outperform your brand’s competition while solidifying your place in any industry, regardless of the competition you are up against in your preferred market.