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How to Smoke a Magnificently Fine Cigar

For many people, smoking a cigar is a tremendous pleasure. Like sipping a glass of fine wine, smoking a fine cigar is something that those in the know feel should be cherished and enjoyed as much as possible. However, while many people may know the basics of smoking a cigar, they may be unaware of the numerous details involved in getting the most out of their cigar-smoking experience. If you are gearing up to smoke a magnificently fine cigar, here is everything you need to know to make the experience one to remember.

Select Only the Best

First and foremost, select only the best cigars to smoke. While you can find many great cigars to buy online, it is usually recommended you seek out a local cigar shop to find the truly magnificent cigars. By choosing your cigars in person, you’ll be able to not only hold, feel, and smell the cigars, but also partake of the knowledge of the shop’s staff to make sure you get only the best.

Be Decisive with the Cut

Once you are ready to smoke the fine cigar that you selected, it is important you be very decisive when you prepare to cut the cap. While you can use a sharp knife for this, most cigar experts recommend you use a cigar cutter made just for these occasions. By doing so, you’ll be able to cut in a quick and decisive manner, ensuring you don’t tear the wrapper.

The Raw Draw

After your cigar is cut, take a moment to put it in your mouth and enjoy what is known as a raw draw. Compared to smelling a wine’s bouquet, the raw draw of a cigar lets you notice various aromas or other tastes that will indicate what the cigar will be like once it is lit. By taking time to enjoy a raw draw, you will not only have a better idea of how the cigar will feel and taste, but also create anticipation for when you finally light up.

Lighting the Cigar

After you have finished your raw draw, the big moment will have arrived where it is time to light up your magnificent cigar. However, don’t be so quick to reach for fluid-filled lighters, candles, or even standard cardboard matches. If you use any of these, you will inadvertently add unwanted chemical tastes to your cigar, virtually ruining the exquisite experience. Instead, use a butane or torch lighter, both of which provide an intense and even flame perfect for cigar lighting. However, should you prefer the more traditional method of using matches, opt for long matches that will let you burn off the sulfur before the flame meets the cigar. Finally, while you are lighting the cigar, be sure you rotate the cigar throughout the process. By doing so, you will guarantee an even burn, leading to a more satisfying smoking experience.

Sip, Don’t Inhale

Yes, you read that correctly. When smoking a magnificent cigar, sip rather than inhale. As you probably know, cigars are not meant to be inhaled like cigarettes. Instead, a cigar should be sipped or sucked on, much in the same manner you would use if you were blowing a kiss to a loved one. Also, the cigar’s smoke should gently float across your palate, then be exhaled by having it blow back out your mouth. As a general rule, most expert cigar smokers recommend sipping a cigar every 30-60 seconds to enjoy its full potential. By doing so, most cigars will last 45-60 minutes, giving you plenty of time to savor the entire experience.

When to Stop Smoking Your Cigar

Once you begin smoking a great cigar, you will of course find it hard to put down. However, at some point even the best cigar will need to be retired to an ashtray. While some people smoke cigars down to their fingertips, others choose to only smoke a cigar about halfway. However, this often robs them of enjoying many unexpected aromas and flavors. For example, many cigars change aromas and flavors in the last third of the cigar, so be willing to continue smoking longer if you want to have a new and exhilarating cigar experience.