
5 Simple Ways to Teach Children About Giving Instead of Receiving

You want your children to grow up with a loving and welcoming nature. Having kids grow up to be respectful and kind is all about how you raise them and the values you instill within them as they continue to grow. A strong characteristic you want them to gain is the beauty of giving instead of receiving. It’s important you teach them to be gracious people when it comes to receiving things, but you want to build within them the mindset through the beauty of giving instead of just receiving

– Donate Your Time At A Local Homeless Shelter 

Spending a day every week or so at a local homeless shelter is a great way for them to learn how to be thankful for what they have. It helps them put in to perspective what they have and that life isn’t always a walk in the park. Some people do indeed go through tough times, and bringing them to a local homeless shelter sort of opens their eyes in the most innocent way possible. Doing this just teaches them to give whenever they can and to grow up as good people. 

– The Story Of The Tallest Tree 

It is through storytelling where children dig deep in to their child-like mentality and discover more of what their imagination presents. Show to them General Sherman, the tallest tree in the world to date. Located right in Sequoia National Park, it stands at around 275 feet tall and about 102 feet around. Showcase to your children that the tree was planted by a small little seed. This story can help show kids that through a small act of kindness and giving, or even a seed, can sprout into something beautiful. The small amount of money, donated time, or even helping out in the community can impact the lives of others so beautifully and we wouldn’t even know it. 

– Charity Jar

Consider grabbing a nice jar and giving your kids the chance to put money into it every week or so. Take their allowance money and ask them how much they want to donate. After about a month or so, collectively bring together the money and donate it to whatever organization the whole family feels it should go to. It could go to buying gloves for the needy children, saving a whale, or even an organization that helps kids with cancer. 

– Set A Good Example 

As a parent, a big part of your job is to be the example for them. You need to be the role model that best describes what you want them to become. Try to be the person that is always showing the beauty of giving through your actions. Take them with you when you go and donate blood, or when you donate any of your time in any way, shape, or form. Teach them the value of what you can do as a human and the change you can impact on others. Starting them at a young age opens their eyes as they continue growing older. 

– Donate Time 

There are many ways you can make a big difference in the lives of others simply be devoting time. You don’t always need to give money to make a difference. Teach your child that even simply being there is so great to letting others know you are there for them. There are homeless shelters, the humane society with animals, and even orphanages how could use a friend or two every once in a while to hang out with. Teach your child that their time is valuable, and their free time could be used to make a difference

Be the parent who sets the example. Be the parent who sets the bar high for their child to look up to. Dedicate your time to organizations and charities that genuinely mean a lot to you. Just these five small ways will teach your child that giving time brings more joy to the soul than simply taking things. By exposing them to doing good things, they will learn the beauty of being there for other people whenever they can, and that even someone as young as they can do some good in the world.