
5 Things to Consider When Custom Building a Home

Getting a custom home is the best way to be sure that you get what you want, but it is also one of the most complicated things that the average person will ever do. There are a lot of factors to consider, from the size and location of the home to the layout of the rooms and any special amenities that are desired. There are a few topics that stand out because they are both easy to forget and extremely important to consider, so everyone should make an extra effort to remember them.

Energy Efficiency

All homes consume energy, but it is best to minimize their energy consumption to save money and to protect the environment. While it is possible to adapt an older home to be more efficient, the best results come from starting with an efficient design. For example, a building can be oriented so that it derives most of its heat from simple sunlight, which can reduce or even eliminate the need for artificial heating. Heavy insulation can also help in some environments. On the other hand, homes in areas where cooling is more important than heating can benefit from arrangements that maximize their natural ventilation and heat resistance. The key is taking advantage of the natural traits of the building site to make the home as efficient and as green as possible.

Matching the Environment

Every aspect of your home should try to harmonize with the environment rather than clashing with it. At the most basic level, that means paying attention to the climate and building a home that is suited for the weather. It also means the natural aesthetics of the site when designing the exterior of the home, to make sure that the building does not clash with the area around it.

This is especially important when dealing with landscaping. In general, it is best to grow plants that are native to the area. They will be healthier than most imported species, and they will take less care. A few foreign species are normally fine as long as they come from a similar environment, but it will always be a struggle to grow plants that are from dramatically different regions, such as lush grasses in a desert.

Resale Value

Nothing in life is certain, and there may be a time when you want or need to sell your home. It can pay to take that into account by including features that will raise the home’s resale value over time. The specific features will depend on the area because every market is different, but there are a few things that are popular in most areas.

Solar panels are a great choice because you can recover the money that you invested in them over time and still capitalize on the increased resale value later on. Other green features are also fairly popular. Most other amenities can also be a good addition, but it always pays to weigh the costs and benefits to make sure you will come out ahead. When in doubt it is best to opt for the ones that you will enjoy. That adds value to the home and makes it more pleasant for you at the same time, which is the best way to do it!

Security Features

We live in an uncertain world. It is always best to be prepared for the worst, so every person should consider security in their new home. A simple alarm system will often be sufficient, but it is easy to do better when designing a home. Passive defenses, such as simple walls or even lighting that makes it hard to sneak up to a house, can make a big difference. There is an art to building a good security system, which means that most people will be best served by consulting with an expert who can help them through the process.


Home automation is a growing field that promises to make our lives easier and much more comfortable by reducing our workload at home. New homeowners should consider designing their building to take advantage of existing automation techniques. Most people will want to pick and choose from the many devices that are available, so it is best to make a list of your priorities and then figure out which ones you can get on a reasonable budget.