
5 Times You Need to Call Your Insurance Agent

Buying insurance is one of the leading ways to prepare yourself for the unexpected. Many people are required to purchase auto insurance, home insurance or renter’s insurance, and these policies can provide you with substantial benefits in different situations. For example, car insurance can pay for most of your vehicle repairs and medical expenses after a serious auto accident, and this coverage may be required by your state. While disability, health, life and other types of coverages are not required, many people also take advantage of the benefits that these policies provide. As long as you continue to pay your premium, many of these insurance products will renew indefinitely. However, there are instances when you need to reach out to your insurance agent via phone or email to get assistance.

When You Have Questions About Benefits

While you can enjoy the peace of mind that insurance coverage provides on a daily basis, the true benefit associated with insurance is when you file a claim and use the benefits that you have purchased. It is wise to understand the terms of your coverage before you need to use your insurance. If you have questions about coverage, now is the time to call. Through a simple conversation with your agent about existing coverage, you may be able to decide if you should update your policy. You may also inquire about coverage after an event occurs so that you can determine if you should file a claim.

If You Need to File a Claim

Each insurance company has a different claims process. Major insurance providers typically want you to file a claim online or through a central claims department. However, if you have a smaller insurance company, going through your agent may be more practical and convenient. If you have questions about the claims process, your agent can clarify the process for you. Some people who need assistance when filing a claim may actually walk into their agent’s office for live assistance.

When You Have Trouble with a Claim

Many insurance claims are processed without hassle, but there are unfortunately instances when claims are denied for reasons that you do not understand or that you do not agree with. Anytime you have trouble with a claim, a great starting point is to reach out to your agent to get clarification. Your agent may be able to step in and help, or the agent may explain to you why the claim was denied. If your agent cannot help you, you may need to seek legal assistance. However, a call to your insurance agent may prevent you from escalating the matter to your lawyer unnecessarily.

If You Need to Update Your Coverage

Even though many insurance policies renew indefinitely, the benefits that they provide may not always meet your changing needs. For example, your teenager may be learning how to drive, and you need to add the new driver to your policy. Perhaps you have welcomed a new baby into your family, and you need to purchase more life insurance coverage. Changing your mailing address, beneficiary and other details may also be required periodically, and your insurance agent may be able to quickly make these policy changes for you.

When You Want to Learn About Savings Options

It is nice to think that your insurance company would provide you with the best rate possible at all times. However, in reality, insurance companies typically lock you in at the best rate that they can provide for you at a specific time. Some factors in your life may change, and you may qualify for a low rate. For example, your driving record may have improved within the last year or two, and you may be eager to save money on your auto insurance policy as a result. Reaching out to your insurance agent periodically is a great way to learn if you are paying the lowest rate possible.

Many people purchase various types of coverage from the same agent. This may partially be to take advantage of discounts for bundling coverage, but it also may be because they establish a great relationship with a trusted professional. Remember to use your agent as a resource as needed over the years.

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