
How To Maintain Sobriety Within The First 90 Days

It is estimated that anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of people eventually relapse after they leave drug rehab. Many of these relapses occur within the first 90 days. Fortunately, there are many things that you can do in order to stay sober.

Avoid the Triggers

One of the keys to staying sober is to avoid the triggers. This means that you will likely have to avoid certain places and people. It may hurt to have to let some people go. However, this is essential for your physical and well-being. It is nearly impossible to stay sober if you remain in the same environment.

Seek Out A Support System

A strong support system will help keep you on the right track. You can call on your support system when you are feeling tempted to drink or use drugs. Your support system can also be there for you when you need someone to talk to. Additionally, your family members and friends can go places with you and make sure that you stay sober while you are out.

Keep in mind that loneliness is one of the things that causes people to relapse. A strong support system will ensure that you never get lonely.

Stay Active

Living a healthy lifestyle helps keep your mind focused on staying sober. Exercising is one of the keys to staying sober and healthy. It helps keep your mind and body engaged. Exercise also makes it easier for you to control your cravings. Additionally, exercise fights boredom, which can be another relapse trigger.

Find Healthy Ways to Cope With Your Emotions

It is normal to experience feelings of sadness, anger and frustration. However, it is important for you to cope with those emotions. Many people relapse because they use drugs and alcohol to cope with the way that they are feeling. There are several ways that you can get your emotions under control.

For example, you can go to therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches you how to control your thoughts so that you can control your actions. Meditation can also be used to control your emotions.

Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Staying sober is a high priority. However, it should not be your only priority. Setting short-term and long-term goals will make it easier for you to stay sober. If you have goals that you have been putting on the backburner, then it is a good idea to start working on them. Staying focused on something that is important to you will help you take your minds off of drugs and alcohol.

Get a Hobby

Getting a hobby will not only help you stay sober, but it will also give you a purpose. There are a variety of hobbies that you can participate in. Make sure that you do something that interests you. For example, you can take cooking or knitting classes. You can also join a book club. Spend a few hours on your hobby per week.

Start a Journal

Rehab centers give people the tools that they need to stay sober. One of the things that they recommend is journaling. Writing is a great way to release your thoughts. It also allows you to exercise your creativity. Additionally, writing allows you to reflect on how far you have come.

Go to a Meeting

Sharing stories of struggle and hope makes it easier for you to stay on the sober journey. That is why it is a good idea to attend sobriety meetings. Not only will you be able to meet new friends, but you will also be able to meet people who can hold you accountable.