
5 Creative Ways to Show Your Wife You Care

Marriage is an important institution that couples around the world cherish. It is the lifeblood of any thriving societal structure and the cornerstone for the introduction and development of new generation of people. As vital as this union is, it is no surprise that it requires great effort and understanding. Men and women naturally function in unique and mutually beneficial way and although these qualities are what attract them to one another, they can also be a cause of major contention. Men sometimes struggle greatly to show their affection for their wives in ways that they can understand and relate to. In fact, one of the primary complaints married women have about their husbands is that he is unable to show that he cares on an emotional level. If this is something you struggle with, here are 5 creative ways to show your wife you care!

1. Make or buy a thoughtful gift for no reason.

Although men often do choose to express their love through gifts, finding one that truly expressions love and care to your wife can be difficult. Traditional gifts like jewelry, appliances, and vehicles often show more attention on a price tag than on a woman’s heart. Instead, choose a gift that has sentimental value. Perhaps you still own a saved movie stub from your first date that you can have framed or an old letter from your courting days. Gifts like these will show your wife that you’re still as in love with her as you were when you first met. Additionally, choosing to offer the gift on an ordinary day, such as sending flowers to her at work for no reason, can also add a nice touch.

2. Complete tasks normally delegated to her when you know she is stressed.

Some women do not concern themselves with gifts but feel extremely loved when their husbands complete tasks for them. If this description fits your wife, try to complete household chores that are normally delegated to her or offer to be completely responsible for the children while she relaxes in a bath. Adding a little gift such as an already fragrant, drawn bath can increase the significance of this gesture.

3. Take her on a fun date on the spur of the moment.

Women who enjoy spontaneity may tire easily of the everyday life that is required when married couples have families. If your wife fits this description, she will feel incredibly valued by knowing that you took the time to plan a romantic, exciting evening for the two of you. If you’re a planner, you can make all the arrangements ahead of time but surprise your wife with them.

4. Take an evening to verbally communicate your love for her.

While some wives enjoy spontaneity, completed tasks, and gifts, still others prefer good old fashion talking. If your wife constantly complains about wanting you to open up to her more, a romantic dinner filled with fresh food and deep conversation can make her feel more cared for than the most expensive vacation. If you struggle to find topics to talk about, practice asking her leading questions. If she’s a woman who values her time communicating with you, she’ll easily be able to take the conversation from there and she will greatly appreciate your efforts.

5. Offer a relaxing massage with no strings attached.

Women who prefer physical touch as a language of love may find a relaxing massage after a long day to be one of the greatest gifts they can receive. If your wife is constantly communicating through small touches on the shoulder or head, enjoys walking holding hands and long hugs for no reason, she likely experiences love this way. To show her you care, practice the art of massage by watching instructional videos or maybe even taking a class. Remember, also, that there should be no exception of physical love after the massage. Allow her to enjoy the gift without expectation, as she will appreciate that your motives are pure and regard you greatly.

Remember to speak to your wife often about the ways she would like to receive love from you and the kinds of things that make her feel valued and supported. Good communication is the cornerstone of any healthy marriage.