
6 Crucial Tactics to Combat Depression

Anyone who has ever dealt with depression knows that it’s more than just a low mood. Depression can sap you of your energy and any sense of vitality. What’s important to remember about depression is that it is an illness. Like any other illness, the only way to fight it is to treat it. Anyone experiencing or who is at risk for depression should know about these six crucial tactics.

1. Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can be a symptom of depression. When one doesn’t get a full night’s rest, they are more likely to have trouble maintaining a positive mood. An irregular sleep pattern can also be a problem. If you’re going to sleep and waking up in a haphazard manner, you’re going to have trouble feeling rested. Make sure that you have a set sleep schedule of 7-9 hours of sleep a night. You want to make your bedroom as comfortable as possible to help wake up rested.

2. Exercise

It can be difficult to summon any sort of activity when depressed. However, exercise is extremely important. It helps to release endorphins and promotes an overall sense of well-being. You don’t have to be bench-pressing large weights or running a marathon either. Take a few minutes every morning to do some basic aerobic exercise, such as jumping jacks and push-ups. You should also do your best to exercise your mind. A mindfulness meditation practice can be extraordinarily beneficial. You just need to find a few minutes of time (5-10 minutes) to close your eyes and observe your breath. Thoughts will come to you, but you don’t need to follow them. As you continue with this practice, you can gain a more distant relationship from your thoughts.

3. Eating right

Your diet plays a large part in your mood. Wholesome, nutritious foods are the best thing for depression. These include green vegetables, nuts, and fruits such as apples. You should also be eating on a regular basis. Make sure that you are eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you are having trouble getting your appetite stimulated, you should consider seeing a nutritionist.

4. Medication

Prescription medication such as anti-depressants can have a very positive impact on your symptoms. When taken, the neurotransmitters of your brain are able to process better and improve your mood and thinking patterns. They should not be taken without the proper medical advice, however. Take them as instructed by your doctor and be aware of any side effects. Get in touch with your doctor if you notice any worrisome thoughts or behaviors.

5. Counseling

Your friends and family can be great confidants when going through depression. However, there is no better person to see than a trained professional, such as a psychotherapist. They will provide you with a confidential environment to speak candidly about your depression. It’s crucial that you provide as much information to your therapist as possible. Be honest with how you’re feeling and what you’re going through. They are not there to judge, only to provide you with help.

6. Distraction

You can’t expect to solve any mental health issue by just ruminating on how much it bothers you. It might be difficult to try and think of anything but that, but you can do it. Take just five minutes to do something productive. It could be reading a book, cleaning around your house, or calling a friend. Your depression won’t go away and might still be weighing heavily on your mind, but its effects can be much less impactful if you deprive it of its power.

Depression is not something that you magically will yourself to get over. Even if someone with depression has a good day, that doesn’t mean that they are in the clear. Overcoming depression means being patient, not only with your ailments but also with yourself. You are going through a tremendously trying experience, and it’s important to know that it’s not your fault and that you can emerge victoriously.