
The Important Reasons To Use Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care in its basest form is simply realigning the spine with manipulation. However, this holistic care goes much farther than that simple explanation. Chiropractors work to allow the body to heal itself with the manipulation, diet, and massage. The doctor will use the manipulation to free up compressed areas, which will also ease pain.

The spinal cord is the terminal through which all of the nerves of the body flow. If part of the spine is out of place, then the nerves are also out of place. Messages are being sent from the brain to the nerves, however, they can’t be carried out because of the blockage. When the chiropractic doctor gently manipulates the spine back into its proper position, the nerves can function correctly once again.

There are many good reasons to see a chiropractor. Most people visit the chiropractor seeking relief from pain – usually back and neck pain. Degenerated discs, slipped discs, car wrecks and even poor posture can cause the spine to become out of alignment. After x-rays the chiropractor can see where the spine is not in place. Following an adjustment, the patients usually feel at least moderate relief. It may take months of treatment to get the body back to optimal spinal position. Most people enjoy the visits and the relief they provide.


Other people seek out a chiropractor for chronic headaches. Migraines can be caused by a number of things – perfumes, food triggers, and neck pain, for instance. By adjusting the neck and spine, pressure is relieved and headache sufferers can find relief for weeks or even months before requiring another treatment. Once the nerves are allowed to function properly, they can send pain-relieving endorphins to the area.

Muscular Pain

Nerves run all over the body and control the muscles, too. When muscles are overworked or injured, they can contract and refuse to release, causing cramps, balled-up muscles and pain. The nerves themselves can become irritated or injured, too. When this happens, something must be done to ease the muscle out of the cramp or ‘ball’. Nerves that are irritated must be soothed in order for pain relief to start. A chiropractor knows what nerves run from which part of the spine. The sciatic nerve runs down the buttocks and into the back of the leg. By manipulating the correct part of the spine, the nerve can be freed from a disc that is pressing on it. Once the pressure on the nerve is released, the healing can begin.


Millions of Americans suffer from depression. They use medication to get up in the mornings and medication to sleep at night. Chiropractic care has been shown to help many people break free from depression and other mental challenges. Chronic pain often triggers depression and other disorders. People in pain usually stay at home alone all day, suffering. The isolation coupled with the pain is a cocktail for depression. Chiropractors can break the cycle by stopping or minimizing the pain. Once the pain is under control, people are able to function again. They can go out with friends, go to church, or exercise. These things will help to lessen the depression. Some people may even be able to beat the depression altogether. Many find they no longer require medications on a daily basis. Always consult a physician before stopping any medications.


Since the basis for chiropractic care is a healthy nervous system, it stands to reason that everything touched by the nerves is affected – even organs and blood flow. People who suffer from everything from hearing loss to IBS can be helped by chiropractic care. Kidney dysfunction, sluggish glands in the lymphatic system, and even chronic bowel problems like IBS and Crone’s Disease can all benefit from proper spinal alignment and adjustments.

Other Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is non-invasive. Pain relief and mood elevation can be reached without drugs. Surgeries can be prevented. Pregnant women can get lower back relief. Chiropractic care is also a great preventative care treatment, saving people thousands of dollars yearly.