
7 Times When It’s Time to Call a Plumber

The plumbing in your home is probably very important to you. After all, you and your family rely on your plumbing for everything from showering to cleaning and more. Because of how important your plumbing is, it’s not something that you should take lightly. Instead, when you have problems, you should hire a plumbing professional to help you. These are a few signs that it’s time for you to call a residential plumber to help you with plumbing-related matters in your home.

1. You’re Having Problems with Your Water Heater

For one thing, if you have problems with your water heater, it’s important to address the problem right away. Otherwise, you and your family could be left without a supply of hot water, which will obviously be a problem when you decide to hop into the shower. Plus, in some cases, water heater leaks can become a problem as well, which can cause devastating property damage. If you hire a plumber, however, he or she should be able to help you with either repairing your existing water heater or installing a new one for you.

2. You Want to Conserve Water

A plumber can actually help you conserve water. For example, he or she can help you install new plumbing fixtures that won’t use as much water as your existing ones, such as a new shower head or sink faucet.

3. You Want to Conserve Energy

You might not think that a plumber can help you conserve energy, but this is not true at all. For example, if a plumber helps you install a tankless water heater, you can cut down on the amount of energy that is used in your home. Additionally, a plumber can help you with things like installing a new dishwasher that uses less energy than your existing model.

4. You Have a Slow Drain

Dealing with a slow drain can be a major pain. After all, you probably don’t want to find yourself standing in ankle-deep water when you’re in the shower, and you probably don’t want for the water to drain slowly from your sink when you’re washing dishes or cleaning. The good news is that a plumber can help you with a slow draining clog so that the water will go down just as it is supposed to.

5. There’s a Sewage Backflow

A sewage backflow can be a very disgusting problem to find yourself dealing with, but it can happen. If you smell a sewage-type smell somewhere in your home, or even worse, if you have seen sewage coming up in your bathtub, shower, sinks or other plumbing appliances, it is imperative to take care of the situation right away. Doing it yourself can be a really messy job, and you might not have the plumbing-related knowledge to repair the problem on your own. A plumber should be able to get to the bottom of the issue right away, though.

6. You Think You Have Leaking Pipes

Leaking pipes can cause a lot of problems. They can cause a loss of water pressure from your plumbing fixtures, and they can cause serious property damage. Plus, you have to worry about the cost and environmental impact that can go along with all of the wasted water. Additionally, mold can be a major problem that goes along with plumbing leaks. The good news, however, is that you can hire a plumber to come out and check all of your pipes for any leaks. Then, you can have them repaired so that you do not have to worry about the many problems that can go along with these leaks.

7. Your Toilet Has a Serious Clog

If your toilet has a clog, you may be able to use a plunger or another DIY remedy to take care of the problem. If you are having trouble getting rid of the plumbing clog, however, you may need to hire a plumber to help you.

Even though you can do some minor plumbing-related things around the home yourself, it’s usually a good idea to hire a plumber to help you with your plumbing problems. These are seven situations in which it’s a good idea to hire a plumber. Then, you can get to the bottom of your plumbing problems in the right way.