
5 Vital Reasons to Have Your Wedding Filmed

Filming your wedding is a choice and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. As valuable as a photographer is when it comes to capturing your special day, a videographer can capture your wedding in an entirely different way with video footage that showcases the most special moments from your wedding. If you are on the fence about whether or not a wedding videographer is a good choice for your wedding, consider these 5 vital reasons to have your wedding filmed by a professional.

1- You Will Miss Moments

Weddings are hectic and stressful, exciting and nerve-wracking. As dozens of emotions pass through you on your wedding day, you will naturally miss little moments. You may space out or feel as though everything is moving too quickly around you. At the end of the day, it may feel like a whirlwind has passed you by and your memory of the experience is hazy and fuzzy at best.

This is where videography can really be special because it captures so many of those little moments and preserves them for you so that you can view them later on. Wedding videography is not just about capturing memories that you can share with others, but it is also about capturing memories that you can then share with yourself. You are given the opportunity to relive your memory of the day as well as experience it from another vantage point, which is a unique gift.

2- Audio

Audio is what video has that photography lacks. When you choose to film your wedding, you can capture memories including everything from your vows with your partner to the speeches made at your wedding reception. You can hear the songs that were played and the officiator’s dialogue. Audio provides a full multi-dimensional experience of your wedding that you can refer to as often as you would like.

3- Ability to Share Your Day

In many cases, it can be difficult to gather everyone you love in one place, on one day. Maybe your grandmother or grandfather is in the hospital and can’t travel to your wedding. Perhaps your friends moved to a far away state and can’t make the journey to the ceremony. You may have invited guests who already have scheduled plans they cannot change.

In each of these cases, special people that you love are unable to attend your wedding and cannot be there to share your day with you. Having a wedding videographer film your wedding means that you can share your day with these guests. You can share a short customized highlight video or the entire filmed ceremony to give loved ones who cannot make it a glimpse of your day and wedding experience. This is particularly great for destination weddings. If you are planning a destination wedding, you are likely to find that many guests (outside of close friends and family members) cannot or are unwilling to pay for airfare and accommodations.

4- Anniversary Celebrations

Each year on your anniversary, you can rewatch your wedding tape. Anniversary celebrations are the perfect reason to hire a wedding videographer to film your wedding ceremony and reception. It’s a wonderful way to reminisce and a romantic way to spend your anniversary for years to come.

5- Future Children

Do you plan to have children with your spouse? Are you envisioning building a family? Your future children will thank you for having video footage of your wedding because it is a sweet way to share the experience with them. Photographs are precious, but video will give your children a change to watch the ceremony and reception unfold. It provides a way to share your memory with your children.

Deciding whether or not to film your wedding is a personal decision. However, you can always choose to keep wedding footage to yourself, but you cannot decide to capture footage after the ceremony has ended.