
3 Easy Tips for Using Yard Signs to Promote Your Company

As a business owner, you probably use all sorts of different types of advertising for your business. You might have put a lot of effort into online advertising, for example, such as by setting up a search engine optimization campaign.

It’s true that online marketing is all the rage nowadays, and it can be incredibly helpful in sharing your business with the world. However, this does not mean that you should forget completely about traditional advertising methods. For example, ordering custom yard signs and putting them out to advertise your business can be a wonderful way of letting more people in your community know about what your company has to offer. These are a few easy tips that can help you more effectively use yard signs to promote your business.

1. Use the Right Color Scheme

First of all, when working with a custom sign company, you should really take your time in choosing the right design. The first thing that you are going to want to focus on is coming up with the right color scheme, according to Stan’s Sign Design.

You’ll want to use a color scheme that grabs attention. Additionally, you will want to make sure that the color scheme makes it so that the words on the sign are easy to read. This means that you will want to use contrasting colors, since colors that are too close in shade can make it difficult for people to read text when they are walking or driving by.

2. Keep it Short and Sweet

There are probably a lot of things that you want to tell the world about your business. The problem with this is that it can cause you to put too many words on your yard signs. People often aren’t able to read a lot of words on these signs since they might be driving by, so your message could get lost without anyone ever truly reading it.

Make sure that your company’s name, a couple of words about what your business does and the company phone number or website are in large print and are easily visible. Above that, you probably will not want to add too much text to your sign.

3. Put Them in the Right Spot

The location of where you put your yard signs makes a big difference. You may want to take the time to really pay attention to the places in your area where people walk or drive by frequently. This will help you ensure that as many people see your sign as possible.

Additionally, it’s usually not a good idea to just go around putting up signs. Instead, you will probably want to ask for permission from whoever owns the land or has rights to it. In many cases, people do not mind allowing business owners to do this, as long as the business that they are running does not compete with their own. However, it’s still best to ask for permission so that you do not get in any trouble and so that no one will take your signs down.

Lastly, check to ensure that you choose a visible placement for each sign. Make sure that there are no shrubs, structures or other obstructions that might get in the way of people being able to read your signs.

Many people do not realize just how effective yard signs can be for promoting your business. However, if you are a business owner who is looking for an affordable yet effective way of advertising your company, it is something that you may want to look into. If you choose to work with the right sign company and if you follow the above-mentioned three tips, you might find that it’s a much more successful means of advertising than you thought it would be.