
9 Signs It’s Time to Call in a Professional HVAC Repairman

The air conditioner is essential in getting through scorching summers. After the summer season is over, most homeowners do not use their units. So, how can you tell when the unit starts breaking down? Some people try to make HVAC repair a DIY job, which often ends up disastrous. Rather than speculating when it’s time to fix your air conditioning unit, read on for nine scenarios when it’s necessary to contact an expert for AC repair.

1. It’s blowing warm air

If your AC blows warm air instead of cold air into your home, there is a severe problem that requires professional attention. When this happens irrespective of how low you turn the thermostat, turn it off and contact your local AC repairman. The problem is often associated with a unit that is low on refrigerant or a faulty compressor. The duct might also break and blow air from the wrong part of the building through the HVAC unit. It could be potentially hazardous depending on the part where it is blowing air.

2. Your energy bills have skyrocketed

Although your energy bills are bound to hit a high during summer, you should record the average consumption of your house. If your electricity bills are more than the ordinary usage and you have not increased how your usage, this is an indication of a broken AC unit. High energy bills indicate duct leaks, dirty filters, poor maintenance, and insufficient refrigerant.

3. A foul smell

If there is a foul smell in your home and you are sure it is not coming from the refrigerator or any other part of your house, it is likely to be from your AC unit. , mold might form inside the air conditioning unit and cause it to stink up the room or house. Turn it off immediately because blowing mold into your home might pose severe health risks to your household and family.

4. Strange noises

Air conditioners produce mild ambient sounds that one you are used to hearing. However, if it is making more noises beyond the supple whir, call a professional to inspect the unit. Any strange noises such as squealing and grinding are signs that something is wrong with the AC and you should turn it off immediately.

5. The AC has intermittent cycling

Another sign that your HVAC unit requires repair is if it goes on and off occasionally. When the temperature surpasses the thermostat setting, the cooling system brings down the temperature of your home. If your AC runs a few minutes at a time and does not cool the temperature of your home, it requires fixing.

6. The inside of your home is humid

Humidity is often inevitable, but during summer the interior of your home should be warm. Not only should an AC that is in proper condition keep your home fresh, but it should also reduce moisture from the inside of your house. Excessive moisture might result in serious issues inside your house, such as damaging its structure. Considering the costly effects of humidity in a home, you should hire an expert to inspect your unit immediately you notice the error.

7. The AC is running continuously

You might be tempted to assume that if the thermostat is not working, the AC is not the problem. While this might be the case sometimes, in most instances, a broken thermostat is an indication of a broken AC. When fixing an issue with the thermostat, the HVAC experts will inspect the unit, deduce the cause and repair it. Considering the network of wires in the AC, this problem is best left to professionals.

8. Water is leaking from the AC unit

If there is some water around the HVAC unit, it is an indication of leakage and that ice is forming inside the unit. The two causes of leakage are the condensate line and the refrigerant line. Although they are easy to fix, when left unattended they can cause extensive damage.

9. It’s been a year since you maintained it

Regular air conditioning maintenance is essential. If you do not prioritize its maintenance, it is likely to break down eventually. Ask an HVAC expert to service it at least once a year.

If any of these problems are familiar, you need to consider reaching out to an HVAC expert immediately. Never try to solve the problems on your own. If you do so, you might worsen the situation.