
9 Essential Items for Your Upcoming Hog Hunt

There are various reasons to hunt wild hog. First of all, they are huge. They offer a wide variety of different cuts and plenty of it. They are also dangerous. Hogs can attack household pets. They have even been known to attack humans. Hog hunting can be a great experience, providing lots of meat for your freezer, but it is also a great way to keep your community safer, especially if wild hogs are dense in your area. Below are 9 essential items to take on a wild hog hunt. These are the items you will want to take on your first hog hunt.

1. Hog calls

Hogs respond so well to calls because they are territorial. Some animals will steer clear of aggressive calls. A hog will do the opposite. A hog will actually seek out another hog just to fight with it and gain territorial dominance. This makes a good hog call an essential item to take on the hunt.

2. A sidearm

You will want to take a sidearm with you for hog hunting. Hogs are tough creatures. Sometimes you may find yourself unloading your rifle on a hog and it keeps coming at you. This is when a high-powered pistol comes into play. A pistol could be substituted by taking a shotgun. If the hog decides to attack use your shotgun to take him down quickly.

3. The right rifle

Hog hunting requires the perfect rifle. You want a high powered rifle that doesn’t sacrifice clip length. One bullet, unless perfectly aimed, will not bring down a wild hog. It’s going to take multiple shots, even from the most high powered rifle. You could even take a semi-automatic rifle into the woods during a hog hunt.

4. Hollow tips

Your rifle should be loaded with hollow tip ammo. This type of ammunition is so powerful, it caused a lot of controversy in the 1990s. In fact, due to their stopping power, they are still controversial today.

5. Range finder

As with any hunt, you will require a range finder. Hogs are dangerous creatures, so you will want to be a good distance away from the animal, at least when you take your first shot. A range finder should always be used before taking your shot. Hitting a perfect shot is important due to the wild hog’s aggressiveness.

6. Nocturnal googles

Wild hogs are nocturnal creatures. This means the majority of your hog hunting will take place at night. This makes nocturnal equipment a must.

7. Flashlights

Taking multiple flashlights and fresh batteries is a great idea. You won’t be using the flashlight during the hunt, due to the possibility of spooking the hogs. However, you will require a flashlight while getting in and out of your hunting spot. Don’t make the mistake of not taking extra batteries.

8. Cleaning gear

Wild hogs are known carriers of diseases – diseases which pass on to humans through the blood. It is important to wear appropriate clothing, such as gloves, while cleaning your kill. You will be cleaning and dressing your kills in the woods, so having the appropriate protective gear is a must.

9. The right clothing

Check your local hunting laws. You may require reflective clothing. You should also pay attention to the weather, keeping the fact that you will be hunting at night in consideration. Seen as a pest, hog hunting is usually allowed all year round. You may be able to hog hunt in a t-shirt and shorts; however, in the Winter you should dress appropriately.


There are other things to consider bringing on a hog hunt. Coffee, snacks, and other foods and beverages should also be considered. Another good idea, in order to remain safe, is to take a tree stand with you. Despite not being included in the list, due to not being an accessory, bring a friend along on a hog hunt. They can watch your back, provide an extra gun, and possibly bring home more food. Besides, having a partner in the woods is always better than being out there alone.