
8 Unique Advantages of Having Wood Furniture

Wood is one of the oldest materials known to man. It has been popular for thousands of years, and there are good reasons for that. It has a lot to offer, so everyone who is investing in new furniture should take a moment to think about the advantages that wooden pieces offer.


Wood is an incredibly tough material. It can resist accidents that would destroy plastic and often escape even serious accidents with relatively minor dents and scratches. That means that wood is a great choice for people who want furniture that can last for several generations.


Wooden furniture is the top choice for people that want to go green. Wood that comes from a supplier with good forestry practices has a lower carbon footprint than most other materials. It is also fully sustainable, since it is always possible to simply grow more trees. Some suppliers are better than others, so people who care about the environment may want to invest a little time in finding theĀ most sustainable options, but it is generally safe to assume that wooden furniture is better for the environment than most of the alternatives that are available.

Versatile Aesthetics

The biggest aesthetic reason to choose wood is that it matches with almost everything. It is a natural material that tends towards neutral colors, so it can look good with most other pieces of furniture without clashing. That can even allow it to serve as a unifying feature in a room that can tie several different styles together, as long as those styles all include wooden elements. That versatility makes it a good choice for people who need to get some furniture for practical reasons but haven’t decided on a design scheme for their home. They can buy the wooden items and be confident that they will fit in with the other items once they make a final choice.


Trees are living things, so each one is unique. That uniqueness extends to the wood. Each and every piece of wooden furniture will be different from all of the others. That gives them a lot of character and makes it easy to buy many similar items without them looking bland or homogeneous. You can use accessories, such as cushions, to accentuate that uniqueness and make them look even more distinctive, but that usually isn’t necessary.

Easy Maintenance

All furniture needs some maintenance, but wood needs less than most other materials. It is often enough to keep it clean and dry. Repairs are also easy. There are a lot of quick, cheap, and easy options forĀ repairing minor damage, so almost anyone can manage to handle the job on their own.

Resale Value

Wood has been popular for a long time, and people tend to think of it as a classic and respectable material, so it holds its value well. People who keep their wooden furniture in good shape can often resell it and get most of the original value back. The market will always vary, but it tends to be a safer investment than plastic or other materials.

Future Modifications

Most people find that their needs change over time, and that often leads to buying new furniture. It is often possible to modify older wooden pieces instead of replacing them, which can save a lot of money. A mixture of sanding and painting will often get the job done and make sure that the furniture looks good, but it will not cost nearly as much as throwing the old pieces out and replacing them with new ones. Upgrading older pieces is also much better for the environment because it reduces waste!


There are a lot of different types of wood out there, and each one has its own unique traits. That means that there are tons of options out there for people who want to find the perfect piece of wooden furniture. Narrowing down the options by their color and how light or dark they are is the best way to start. It can also be important to decide if wood that shows a natural pattern in the grain is desirable for a specific piece of furniture.