
8 Essential Reasons To Have Drone Insurance

In today’s world, drones have become a fixture as both a hobby and a part of many businesses. Whether flying drones around the neighborhood or a business using a drone for aerial surveys or delivering packages, drones are here to stay. Because of this, more people are realizing the importance of having drone insurance. Since accidents can and do happen with drones on a regular basis, this type of insurance can become important in certain situations. To learn how, here are eight essential reasons why you need drone insurance.

1- Medical Expenses

If your drone crashes and causes physical injuries to others that require medical attention, drone insurance can help cover those expenses. Otherwise, you will likely be held liable for all medical expenses they incur, which as we all know can add up quickly.

2- Property Damage

Just as it’s possible your drone may strike an individual, it’s also possible it may crash into a vehicle, home, or other area and cause significant property damage. Just as it is with medical expenses, you could be held liable for the costs associated with the damage, so it’s a good idea to have drone insurance in place to cover this scenario.

3- No Coverage from Homeowner’s Insurance

While many people who use drones only for recreational purposes assume they will be covered by homeowner’s insurance in the event of an accident, that’s not the case. Since drone technology is still considered very new, most policies are not yet drawn to include these special aircraft in their coverage guidelines. While it’s not mandatory in the U.S. to have drone insurance, you are taking quite a chance if you set sail without it.

4- Lost Drones

Even if you are a skilled drone pilot, that doesn’t mean there’s a chance your drone can’t get lost once it takes flight. From having mechanical difficulties to being the victim of bad weather, plenty of crazy things can occur once your drone is sailing in the clouds. Therefore, if you lose your drone, having this specialized insurance will cover the cost of purchasing a new one. More details on how this procedure works can be found here.

5- Client Confidence

If you are using your drone for business purposes, such as conducting aerial surveys for construction companies or farmers, you’ll have a better chance of getting clients if you possess drone insurance. By doing so, clients will feel better about using your services, since having insurance shows you are credible and serious about your business.

6- Drone Racing

A sport that is rapidly growing in popularity, drone racing is being done by more and more people. However, it likely will not be covered under your traditional homeowner’s insurance policy, so you’ll need drone insurance before you get started in this exciting sport. Just like other situations where a drone is in use, accidents can happen to people or property, so keep this in mind before you have your first race.

7- Invasion of Privacy

In recent years, there have been news reports of people shooting down drones that were flying above their property, citing an invasion of privacy. If this happens to you and your drone, you could find yourself facing civil litigation for various damages. If you don’t have drone insurance that can protect you in these matters, you may wind up paying thousands of dollars in damages to the plaintiff, which could put a big dent in your bank account.

8- Shipping and Delivery

If your drone is being used to deliver packages to shipping facilities or to customers, having drone insurance will protect you in the event a package gets lost or damaged while being transported by your drone. Since this is a growing area of usage for drones, it’s imperative you have drone insurance if you are involved in this aspect of logistics.

Since people and businesses are continuing to find new and innovative uses for drones, it’s more important than ever to have drone insurance. Rather than take your chances, it’s smart to invest a few dollars each year into insurance that could potentially save you thousands in the event of an accident.