
7 Smart Marketing Ideas For Your Law Firm

Marketing is an important activity for any business. It can make or break your law firm. Marketing informs potential consumers of the services you offer. Also, it is through marketing that you convince them why they should choose you over your competitors. There are different marketing ideas that you can use for a law firm.

  1. Get More Work from Your Existing Clients

In marketing, it is important to start with the fruits that are hanging low. Not only will you save resources, but also there is an increased chance of getting positive feedback. For your firm, the low hanging fruits are your existing clients. It is because these are people who you have worked for directly and they trust you. You can encourage them to open new files with you by offering incentives such as reduction from the amounts you charged them earlier.

  1. The Use of Referrals

Most law firms get business from clients who refer them. Your friends who know what you do can refer clients to you too. It is easier for your client and friends to convince their colleagues, friends, and relatives to use your services. They are more likely to trust them when they tell that you are good at what you do. However, you need to cultivate this culture in them because it does not happen by itself. The primary thing that you need to do is to make your clients aware that you welcome any referral. Do not forget to inform them of the kind of work that you desire to have. It is because the field of law is wide.

  1. Joining Trade Associations

You may wonder why not the bar association. The reason is simple in a bar association most of the people there want clients to give them jobs. On the other hand, a trade association is full of potential clients. Preferably, when you join the trade associations try and join the Board of Directors, and if that is not possible, create a friendly relationship with its members. Also, ensure that they know what you do. In these associations, you should volunteer to perform activities related to law because it will contribute to people knowing what you do. It would be just a matter of time before you receive a call or mail from someone seeking your services.

  1. Pursue Potential Clients Directly

Most marketing methods involve availing information about your law firm to the public and waiting for responses. These methods are not effective compared to pursuing potential clients directly. There is no doubt that you know different people in business and employees who could use your services. It could be a neighbor or classmate. Directly talking to them increases the chances of them responding positively.

  1. Internet Marketing

The internet has revolutionized different fields, and marketing is one of them. Marketing your law firm on the internet is cheaper and effective in reaching a wide target audience. All you have to do is develop a website that contains information about your business. It is because currently the first thing that a referred client will do is search you on the internet. It is good that they find you there and get more information about the law firm. It is advantageous that you design a landing page that will enable you to reply to each referred client differently and determine the referral source. Various platforms will enable you to do this.

  1. Develop a Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is an important document. It is because it will help you to ensure that you are using the resources you set aside for marketing wisely. These resources include financial, human and time. Also, it will enable you to achieve the goals that you set. It could be the number of potential clients that you need to meet in a month or a target number of referrals.

  1. Tracking Results

It is not only difficult but almost impossible to get your marketing strategies right unless your track the results of your marketing efforts. Analysis of this results will enable you to make better decisions. For example, you can determine which referral source got you the most clients among others.