
7 Benefits to Advertising on Facebook

If you have a product to sell, you need to share it with the world. How do you do this, though? Well, the best way is to advertise on Facebook. Yes, Facebook is much more useful than just a location to post pictures of your dinner and how much you hate a particular politician. It’s also very useful as a method of advertising. Here are 7 benefits to advertising on Facebook.

1. There are 1.85 billion Facebook users
Facebook is one of the most popular, if not the most popular, social media platform available today. That is because it is free, used by everybody, and it gives people the opportunity to have fun and express themselves from anywhere. Advertisers can use the popularity of Facebook to reach people, too. It also gives you the opportunity to create fun ads that might not be appropriate in other mediums.
It’s not only young people on Facebook, either. People of all ages, genders, religions, and races are on Facebook. This means you are sure to reach your target demographic.
2. Create targeted ads
While Facebook has just about everyone on it, that doesn’t mean that you have to advertise to everyone. It’s more beneficial to direct ads to the people who are most likely to buy your product. Luckily, Facebook allows you to advertise to your target demographic.
3. Instant results
Most people have to wait to see results from television or radio advertising. The good thing about Facebook advertising is that you can see the results almost instantly. Your ad can go up right away, and so will your sales!
4. Generate leads
You don’t necessarily have to get a sale today to see profits. In many instances, customers may buy later. The best way to check on potential customers is to allow people to sign up for more information. Your Facebook ad can allow people to insert their contact information, and you can send sales people to follow up at a later date. Since the person entered their information, you know that they have some interest.
5. Continuous marketing
Have you ever noticed that after you go to a particular site you start to notice a lot more ads for that site? Well, that will also happen when people click on your ad on Facebook. They will start to see it over and over again. If they weren’t sure about making a purchase the first time they visited your site, they will get reminders. These reminders can convince them to make the purchase.
6. Inexpensive
If your advertising budget is small, Facebook might just be your best bet. The beauty of Facebook is how many people you can reach with your ad. In fact, it’s estimated you can connect with 1000 people for only $5. Where else are you going to get that kind of exposure?
7. Measure the effectiveness
With some methods of advertising, you have no idea how effective the ad really was. Well, Facebook advertising allows you to track how many people clicked on your ad. This means that you know if it’s actually bringing people to your online store or not. If it’s not working for you, you can stop using Facebook to advertise. However, that’s unlikely.

Tell the world about the amazing items you have to sell using Facebook. You will use Facebook to share memes and life moments, and it’s time to use Facebook to share your business as well. When you use Facebook advertising, you will reach a lot of people for a limited amount of money. You’ll also be able to measure the success of the ad, as well as your increase in sales.