
6 Ways Taking Your Kids to a Trampoline Park Encourages Exercise

Kids face a ton of pressure to stay hip to everything that is happening on social media, which, sadly, keeps them indoors and stationary a large part of their time. At the moment, childhood obesity affects about 13.7 million adolescents in the United States. It’s not always easy for kids to get exercise time in, either. Between school, homework, extra-curricular activities, and family obligations, exercise is often pushed to the side.

But there is hope for your kids. A great way to get in some exercise is to head to a local trampoline park and spend some time bouncing and jumping. Read on to learn six reasons why a trampoline park encourages exercise.

1. Trampoline Parks Have a Ton of Energy

Most children are excited to spend a few hours at a trampoline park. They will probably be in the car, ready to go, before you can even get your shoes on. Once they are in the facility, they will be even more excited to jump and run about. They’ll see other kids playing and jumping and will automatically wish to join in on the fun. Trampoline parks have a lot of crazy energy in them that will be contagious to your child.

2. They Will Want to Keep Up With Other Kids

When your child sees other kids playing and having a grand old time, they will be eager to do the same. Many trampoline parks offer “sporting areas”, such as a basketball court, that allows kids to soar on the trampoline as they make a slam dunk. Your child will want to play with others who are participating in games which in turn gives them the exercise that they need and avoid the staggering rate of childhood obesity that plagues the US.

3. They Won’t Need Their Phones

When your child is just sitting around the house doing nothing, it is easy for them to grab their phone out of boredom. If they don’t have a phone to play on, they likely have some sort of electronic device or gaming system. In fact, in the past four years, screen time for children has tripled. However, the time spent at a trampoline park won’t be used on their phones or to play games. They’ll be getting in exercise without even realizing the effort.

4. They Will Use Their Imagination

A day at the trampoline park is a great way for kids to use their imagination through exercising. Your child will likely come up with all sorts of twists, jumps, dives, and other moves while they are on the trampoline. They will imitate the moves of other kids and will even try to show off as much as possible. They will use all of their muscles while on the trampolines, leading to a good exercise session every time.

5. They Will Feel Better Afterward

Your child will have a blast at the trampoline park. Cardio is very good for the body, and children over the age of six should be getting in a least an hour of it a day. After they are done playing on the trampoline, your child will likely be tired but happy. They will feel much better about themselves after putting in a workout. Best of all, the workout was disguised as a fun time.

6. They Will Want to Come Back

Your child will have so much fun at a trampoline park that they will probably not want to leave. They will be talking about how much fun they had for days or weeks and will likely beg you to take them back. What better way to get in some much-needed exercise than a day at the trampoline park! They will realize that physical exertion can be extremely fun and will want to continue participating.


Trampoline parks are always a fun time, so find a location close to you and book a few hours. Your child will get in the exercise they need while having a ton of fun at the same time!