
6 Key Reasons to Wear Compression Socks on a Daily Basis

If you’re an athlete, particularly a runner, you’re likely familiar with at least a few of the benefits that compression socks can provide. However, even those with more sedentary lifestyles should consider wearing these circulation-promoting wonders on a regular basis. Indeed, they can aid the body just as well when it’s in a sitting position–perhaps more so. Read on to find out why.

1. They decrease the risk of blood clots.

Compression socks improve blood circulation by compressing the lower legs, thereby promoting a more even and less viscous flow. When a person sits for long periods of time, as on a long flight, he or she is at greater risk for conditions like deep-vein thrombosis (DVT), which occurs when a clot forms in a deep vein. DVT usually occurs in the legs, and can result in a fatal pulmonary embolism. Anyone who travels frequently or even sits in long meetings on a daily basis should consider investing in several pairs of compression socks.

2. They prevent venous blood from pooling in the legs.

Similarly, constricting the lower leg keeps the blood in the veins (which is thicker and therefore apt to move more slowly) from pooling, which is important, as venous blood also contains a higher concentration of waste products. Keeping this blood flow even is essential to healthy circulation and the well-being of the body as a whole.

3. They aid in faster muscle recovery.

The gift of proper circulation is one that keeps on giving. Increased blood flow to the muscles helps them flush away the lactate that can build up after a hard workout, which decreases soreness and discomfort throughout the recovery period. Endurance athletes aren’t the only ones who might benefit from this feature, though–stronger blood flow also helps you feel energized overall, which is why some people wear the socks even during exercise.

4. They can reduce the appearance of varicose veins.

The term “varicose veins” refers to a condition in which defective valves cause the blood to either pool in spots, or else flow in the wrong direction. This can give the veins an enlarged, purplish appearance. Pregnant women are especially prone to this affliction, but it affects roughly 25 percent of the US population, with that number decreasing only slightly on a global scale. While the condition is not necessarily dangerous, some swelling and discomfort can result, as can painful leg ulcers. Compression gear can help relieve these symptoms, and mask the bulging veins that are bothersome to some individuals on a cosmetic level.

5. They help relieve symptoms of Restless Leg Syndrome.

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) refers to any number of peculiar sensations in the feet and legs that make falling asleep difficult. Some sufferers report a constant feeling of “pins and needles,” while others describe the sensation as crawling, itching, or tingling. The symptoms occur only when the rest of the body is at rest–at bedtime, for example, or when sitting on the couch watching a movie. Additional pressure sometimes helps to alleviate the discomfort of RLS, which means compression socks would be a welcome addition to any sufferer’s household. One caveat: Wearing compression gear to bed is generally not recommended, as there’s a risk of circulation cutoff when the body is at rest. If you have RLS and want to try wearing compression socks overnight, be sure to choose a low-pressure pair. The ones used by hardcore athletes have too high a compression level to be worn safely overnight.

6. They may be covered by health insurance.

If your doctor recommends that you wear compression socks on a daily basis, but you’re worried about the cost (the garments will need replacing every three to six months), check with your insurance company. You may be able to use the plan to cover the cost if their use has been prescribed by a medical professional.