
5 Surprising Reasons Why Dance Lessons Can Spice Up Your Life

Whether you are considering dance lessons for a fun way to get exercise, to socialize, to enhance your love life, or to simply learn how to dance, there are so many surprising benefits to taking dance lessons. Your age, relationship status, and fitness level do not matter when taking dance lessons. Dance benefits everyone! Dance lessons are trending all over the world and what’s spectacular is there is a dance style for every taste, whether it be ballroom dancing, hip hop, country and western, belly dancing, pole dancing, ballet, jazz, tap, or swing.

1. Dance lessons are beneficial to mental health and happiness

Who doesn’t want to reduce stress, ward off anxiety and depression, or just feel happier overall? Like all exercise, dancing releases endorphins. However, the uniqueness of dancing is that it tends to be more enjoyable than some forms of exercise because due to the music stimulation. Dance lessons are an excellent form of exercise for people that struggle with finding something they’ll enjoy, especially when there are so many types of dance lessons to choose from. The Ladders explains the science behind dance and how it affects your brain chemistry through releasing not only endorphins, but oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin.

2. Ignite your passion

Dance lessons can ignite passion in your life, whether you are single, married, dating, or otherwise involved. Dancing enhances intimacy. Even if you are not dancing with romantic partner, if you have a partner for the sole purpose of dancing, human touch and closeness is a physical human need and fulfilling this need, even if it’s attending dance lessons weekly is sure to benefit you physically and emotionally. Dance lessons expose you to a positive social environment and provides for connection.

3. Your body will thank you!

The health benefits of dance lessons are truly endless! Have you ever taken notice of a dancer’s body? Dancers are lean, defined, and in excellent shape! Dance lessons provide cardiovascular exercise and the activity works just about every muscle in your body. Dancing is great for weight management or weight loss, muscle definition, bone health, flexibility, heart health, and balance. Dance lessons are available to all skill levels and therefore, you can work your way up gradually. If you have not been physically active, dance lessons are a way to ease into fitness at your own pace.

4. Cognitive functioning

Dance lessons enhance coordination, balance, and stamina. Maintaining these skills is beneficial at any age but with time and reduction of exercise, people can develop poor balance and coordination. Dance lessons are an excellent way to stay on top of your game. This is a both a physical and mental benefit. According to the Harvard Mahoney Neuroscience Institute, dance is even being used to treat Parkinson’s.

5. Boost in self-esteem and confidence

Who would not feel better inside and out after taking dance lessons, developing a new talent, and getting in shape? It’s not the dancing in and of itself that will boost your self-esteem and confidence but rather the combination of connecting with others, developing a skill, getting fit, and feeling happier as a result of the mental health benefits. Most likely, if you are interested in dance lessons, you have the will to empower yourself and have a desire to feel better. Many dance academies also have competitions and dancing can become a lifestyle depending on how far you choose to go with your dance lessons.

People take dance lessons for many reasons. Some people are looking to spice up their relationship or meet new people. Others may be looking for a fun way to get a workout or stay active, while some people simply want to learn how to dance. Regardless of your motive, age, gender, fitness level, or taste in music, dance lessons are an all-inclusive way for people to enhance their lives, feel happier, and enjoy the many surprising benefits of dance lessons.