
5 Signs You Should Consider Redesigning Your Office

You’ve been settled into your office space for many years. It’s mostly functional, employees don’t complain about it too much, and overall seems to get the job done.

But is it finally time to redesign the office space that you’ve grown so used to? Are there hidden benefits to a redesign that you’ve overlooked?

In this article, we’ll take a look at five signs that it might be time to redesign your office space.

Let’s dive in.

1. Your Business Growth Has Recently Exploded

The goal of your business is to grow it exponentially as quickly as possible. Perhaps you’ve just acquired a new product that you can’t seem to keep in stock. Or maybe your product management team has does a recent overhaul of an existing product that makes it fly off the shelves.

In either scenario, you’re going to need a larger group of support professionals to manage the new business. While it may be tempting to squeeze as many new cubicles into an existing space as possible, that’s not going to play well with employee morale.

Instead of cramming new workspaces into an already-existing area, start thinking about a complete office redesign.

Take a poll of your employees and find out how they feel about an open workspace where cubicles are completely removed. Consider adding new corner offices for key mid-level management.

An overhaul of your office design during times of growth will go a long way toward improving morale and productivity among your workers.

2. You Need to Make a Better Impression on Clients

How often do clients and prospects visit your office? What impression do they get of your business when they walk into your workspaces?

If your employees are crammed into tiny cubicles with limited space to produce quality work, clients will spot this instantly.

When you’re trying to woo a client into hiring you, showing them an office that promotes worker freedom and inspiration will go a long way toward landing the contract.

Also consider the art that’s hung on your walls. Does it represent your business properly, or is it mostly just filler?

Every detail matters when you’re trying to impress clients.

3. Employees Need a Boost in Creativity and Inspiration

How inspired do your employees feel? Are they there to collect a paycheck, or have the truly bought into the mission of the company?

Surrounding employees with inspirational and inspiring designs will vastly improve their vision when they walk into the office each morning.

Talk to your employees about what motivates them, and how the design of your office can bring inspired productivity into their daily work lives.

4. Overall Efficiency is Lacking

Are you dealing with a lethargic workforce? Does it seem like every morning, the team doesn’t start churning out productive material until at least five pots of coffee have been consumed?

It’s probably time to consider an office redesign.

Think about how you feel when you walk into a space that’s designed to make you happy. Your workers spend a good portion of their lives in the office you’ve designed. Don’t they deserve the best you have to offer?

Get rid of the LED lights and illuminate your office with softer lighting that workers enjoy.

5. Your Business Model Had Evolved

Who you were as a business four years ago isn’t who you are now. The design of your office needs to reflect that.

What worked when you first started doesn’t necessarily work now.

The Design of Your Office Space Matters

Stripping down the entire design of your office and redoing it can seem like a daunting task. The truth is, it won’t be easy.

The goal of this process is creating a new world for your employees to exist where productivity will skyrocket and your employee retention level will improve.

By responding to these five signs, you’ll be well on your way to success.