
5 Ideas for Finding a Reputable Law Firm

There are many situations where a person will need the services of an attorney. This could involve anything from getting a divorce to drafting a will or even dealing with a charge of DUI and more. It is important when facing a situation requiring legal representation to work with a lawyer and law firm who is reputable. There are some things a person should consider when seeking legal representation.

1. Personal Referrals

A good place to start may be asking friends and family if they have any recommendations for an attorney or law firm. They can share their experiences. It is possible to talk with a number of people who faced a similar legal problem in the past. Should an attorney or law firm be mentioned by more than one person, they should be a consideration. When trying to find an attorney based on a personal referral, it important to consider that everyone responds differently to an attorney’s personality and style. Some people like someone who is straight to the point. Other people like to engage in small talk before getting talking business. They want to know about the attorney’s family and more before they are comfortable with them. Many attorneys are willing to provide an initial meeting with a prospective client at no cost. It is advised people who are looking for an attorney take advantage of this offer.

2. Price Range

There are certain situations, such as with a personal injury case, where an attorney will not ask to get paid until the case is resolved. This is a unique set of legal circumstances. It is best to know that in most legal cases, an attorney will want to be paid for their services either up front, on a payment plan and more. Most attorneys will state the cost for their services upfront. They will let a client know their hourly fee as well as the charges for administration costs and more. Some attorneys charge a one time fee for their services. This will include everything.

3. Knowledge And Experience

It is important to be comfortable with an attorney and law firm. It is essential they have sufficient experience in the area of law a person needs representation or advice. When this happens, a person will develop trust in their attorney’s abilities. This could involve the attorney’s education, professional organization memberships and more. When a person’s situation is not complicated, a person may succeed using an attorney or law firm who is a general practitioner. This could involve basic real estate transactions and more. When a person’s case is more complicated, like dealing with a criminal charge, labor issues and more, an attorney who specializes in these areas of the law may be the best choice.

4. Lawyer Referral Services

Some individuals have had success finding a reputable law firm using these services. The scope and quality of these services can vary widely. It is important to remember lawyer referral services are required to receive approval from a state’s bar association. Some of these organizations carefully screen attorneys as well as law firms. They will only refer attorneys who have a specific amount of experience as well as particular qualifications. There are also others who will list an attorney if they are in good standing with a state’s bar and has current liability insurance. Prior to using one of these services, it is recommended a person know how they screen the attorneys they refer.

5. Promptness And Communication

Some people have asked all prospective lawyers the best way to contact them and how long they can expect to wait before the attorney will return their communications. An attorney may appear friendly and easy to speak with, but this is a question that must be asked. There are attorney regulatory groups that maintain complaint logs on lawyers. Many of these complaints indicate some attorneys are not good at prompt communication. Should a person have to wait several days to speak with their attorney or get a meeting with them, it could have negative results.

Before anyone enters into a legal relationship with an attorney, they should feel confident their attorney is part of a reputable law firm. There is nothing worse than a person finding out too late they don’t share the same level of ethics as the law firm representing them. There are certain steps that can be taken to make certain this does not happen. When someone does find a law firm that works for them, it can develop into a long and mutually beneficial relationship.

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