4 Low Cost Tips to Help Sell Your House Faster

Homeowners who place real estate on the market frequently prefer fast sales. Marketing a home quickly does not necessarily require a lot of expensive improvements. Consider using these four simple, inexpensive tips to spur a faster closing:
1. Take Care of Outstanding Lawn And Garden Maintenance Tasks
The first impression your home makes on prospective buyers really matters. Since many people drive past a for-sale property before contacting an agent to arrange a visit, it makes sense to keep the exterior of the dwelling looking as attractive as possible 24/7. You likely won’t have to spend a fortune in landscaping bills to accomplish this goal. Yet you will need to make sure you take care of any outstanding yard work.
During the time your home remains on the market, make sure you regularly prune the bushes, mow the grass, sweep up fallen leaves, and trim beside paths and sidewalks. If you’ve already moved out of the area, consider hiring a dependable landscaping service to take care of these handyman projects during your absence. Maintaining the lawn and garden in an attractive condition conveys an impression of diligent property upkeep to prospective buyers. You’ll deter vandalism, and you might inspire a faster sale!
2. Make Sure You Supply Excellent Illumination
Another simple way to encourage prospective buyers to look closely at your home seems impossibly self-evident: make sure all the lights work! Most buyers don’t consider purchasing realty they cannot see clearly. It remains your responsibility to furnish visitors with adequate illumination. A surprising number of home sellers spend money undertaking expensive home improvements without replacing burned out light bulbs.
Consider placing bright LED lights under shelves, inside closets and above dark basement steps. Change the light bulbs in current light fixtures to make sure these essential components won’t burn out if an agent accidentally leaves a light on in the home after a showing. Also, make certain exterior lights work perfectly, so you can brighten the outside of the residence during an evening open house or late afternoon showing. If possible, ask an electrician to check over the lighting. By ensuring you supply ample light, you’ll encourage prospective buyers to take a good look at the property.
3. Remove Household “Clutter” From The Premises
Experienced real estate agents encourage their clients to remove as many of their personal belongings from a “for-sale” property as possible. Some companies even offer “staging services” to decorate homes attractively for marketing purposes. The goal behind eliminating household clutter proves quite simple. You want to give prospective buyers latitude to envision their own possessions filling this space.
For example, a mantle piece decorated with memorabilia from a seller’s past may prevent a prospective buyer from imagining how it would feel to reside in the residence. While treasured personal mementos bring happy and proud memories to your attention, these items don’t necessarily evoke the same sentiments in visitors. Consider packing them away before placing your realty on the market.
4. Bake Cinnamon Rolls Right Before a Showing
Many studies attest to the power of subtle aromas. From academic studies about pheromones to a thriving commercial perfume industry, a lot of evidence suggests human beings around the world frequently respond in surprisingly primal ways to odors. So from a practical standpoint, if you’d like to accomplish a quick sale, it simply makes sense to infuse your home with a generally pleasing fragrance.
Researchers report the smell of hot cinnamon appeals to large numbers of people (especially men). Baking cinnamon bread or pastries in the oven right before home seekers tour the premises will leave the kitchen with a fresh, inviting odor. (You might even encourage prospective buyers to sample some of these fresh baked goods!) Your prospects will readily envision themselves enjoying food in the kitchen, an image you’d like them to consider.
Prepare For a Quick Sale
None of these measures requires a huge investment of capital. Yet taking these steps should help you market your home more quickly. Reducing expensive on-the-market holding costs by even a few short weeks assists many realty sellers in optimizing profits.