
4 Cheap Ways to Tour New York City on a Budget

A trip to New York can be expensive if you don’t plan ahead. There are a lot of qualities that make NYC an amazing experience, such as art, culture and diversity; however, all these things can end up costing a lot. Do not worry so much about the expensive parts, they’re easy to avoid while still enjoying your vacation. In-fact, some of the best things that can be done in the city don’t cost very much at all. Here are four of the best that’ll still be in your budget.

1. Museums

New York city has wonderful and numerous museums. While museums have free days, they’re often packed. It’s a more enjoyable experience to go when the area is a little more free of people. Museums aren’t that expensive though. They’re certainly cheaper than seeing a broadway play. The MET, New York’s most famous museums, can be visited for $25 dollars per adult. This isn’t very much considering how long it takes to see everything there. Are you a student? You can get in for only $12. It’s a great deal. Most student prices aren’t as low as what you’d pay for a child’s ticket. Seniors can enjoy the museum for as little as $17.

Looking for a museum that’s a little cheaper? Look no further than the Brooklyn Museum. This place is jam packed with some of the most beautiful artwork you’ll ever see. While it’s not quite as renowned as the MET, it certainly beats most of the museums you’ll see in large cities. It only costs $14 for admission as an adult, and you can save $10 if you’re a senior.

There are many other types of museums you may be interested in. The Museum of Natural History tends to be popular with children. If you look up all the museums to visit in New York, you’ll see plenty that are so unique to the city. It’s impossible to find a Jewish Children’s museum anywhere else.

2. A Boat Ride

The Hudson River looks rather impressive when you see the large city that surrounds it. Many are unaware of the extent of the river and all the things that can be seen while taking a ride around it. Most boat services will take you on a tour of this famous river for only $17. You’ll see all of Manhattan and the surrounding areas from a distance, but it’s almost the most beautiful way to see the city. It’s also an interesting experience to glide under the bridges there.

3. Parks

Back in the industrial age many had to go to a cemetery to enjoy any sort of wilderness. The city caught on to this tragic fact and built quite a few parks in the city. The most famous one is Central Park. There are also quite a few in Brooklyn and the other boroughs as well. The Central Park Zoo can be a fun, and rather cheap activity, for children. Make the best of New York on a budget by enjoying the nature inside of it.

4. The Food

When people think of New York they think of expensive, fine dining. The city is certainly brimming with it, but it’s not the only thing you’ll find when you go there. A lot of the delis have some of the best examples of New York food you’ll find. Have you ever had a real New York reuben? It’s delicious and other delis across the country simply can’t mimic the taste of an authentic one made in NYC.

While they are some other pizzerias around the country that come close, there is nothing that beats a real, mouthwatering slice of actual New York pizza. The size of one slice is enough to keep you full!

As you can see, it doesn’t take a fortune to see New York. If you need a place to stay the best option is often an Airbnb when it comes to your budget. And remember- nothing tastes better than a giant slice of New York pizza.