
3 Times When Having a Tool Box in Your Truck Bed Will Be Useful

Whether it be a cross country road trip, or a quick drive into town, it’s always best to be prepared for the unexpected. While most people probably leave their tools at home, it’s actually incredibly beneficial to keep some in your truck bed as well. Have you ever seen those movies where a person’s car breaks down late at night, in a bad storm, or in the middle of no wear? While those may be the first haunting scenarios that come to mind, listed below are 3 other times having a tool box with you on the road would be useful.

1- Quick Roadside Repairs

It’s not unreasonable to say that at some point in your life through your travels you will find yourself pulled off the road due to something gone wrong. Now you can choose to wait for some form of roadside assistance, if you have access to it, or you can take care of a quick repair yourself. Not only are you saving yourself time, but you’ll also avoid having to pay for a service that you know how to perform yourself. No longer will flat tires or low fluids halt and alter your plans. When you’re equipped with the right tools, you could even end up being the hero of somebody else’s day.

2- Safety and Survival

Truck’n America said, “Keeping a tool box with you means you’ll have access to items that come in handy in potentially dangerous situations.” It’s easy to dismiss the idea of finding yourself in these sorts of predicaments, I’ve done it myself. However, if you did find yourself in a bad situation, can you honestly say you would be prepared based on everything you currently have in your truck? A multi-purpose tool and a flashlight with extra batteries are usually staple items in any tool box, and they don’t take up a lot of space. The blades of a multi-tool are great for ripping through fabric when you need to improvise making a sling or bandage. A flashlight can help guide your way, and signal your location to others.

3- Peace of Mind

Lastly, having a tool box with you will be useful when all you want is peace of mind. Odds are, regardless of where you’re heading when you’re on the road, the only thing you want to think about is your destination and everything you’ll do when you get there. As stated before the golden rule is to expect the unexpected, but who really wants to spend the time and energy worrying about what may or may not happen? Making sure that you’re organized makes all the difference. You wouldn’t head into an interview unprepared, so why would heading into the great unknown on the road be any different? Life is meant to be lived, and nobody should have to miss out on a great experience or important event because their contemplating whether or not their truck will get them from point A to point B.

Of course, you know yourself better than anyone. You know your truck and the locations you frequent. Therefore you know the odds of finding yourself in these sorts of situations, and your level of capability. If this is a topic that provokes further interest, I would suggest researching further into it. Perhaps other resources, such as this one published by the Huffington Post, will be able to provide you with different perspectives. Alternatively, maybe you’ve decided this is the right thing for you to do, but you don’t know where to start. Again, there are plenty of lists out there to help you decide what to include in your tool box. They range from getting the basics, like this one published by CNN, to anticipating the apocalypse, so there really is something for everyone. If you’ve got the extra space, you really have nothing to lose.