
3 Simple Activities to build Workplace Diversity at a Company

diversityThese days, many business owners are realizing that building workplace diversity is a good idea. If you’ve recently drawn this conclusion, you may be ready to seek out strategies and solutions that will empower you to realize the objective. To get on the road to optimizing workplace diversity right now, implement the following three activities:

1. Focus on the Recruitment and Retention Process.
One of the best ways to build workplace diversity in the commercial setting is by optimizing your recruitment and retention process. This means that you should focus on hiring individuals who will increase the current level of diversity within the office setting. And as noted in The Wall Street Journal, keeping employees on staff can be more challenging than the recruitment process. This is particularly true for organizations in regions that are not diverse. In these settings, minority employees will often feel disconnected from their employer and fellow staff members. This means that you will likely need to adopt a more actively involved approach that involves helping new hires adjust to the work culture.

One great way to ensure that you can optimize the hiring and retention process is by using recruitment services. Recruitment professionals will be able to provide you with diverse, customized services that help connect you with employees who will bring fresh perspectives and unique backgrounds to the commercial setting.

2. Start Networking In New Places.
As noted in Entrepreneur, networking is an effective strategy to implement for the purpose of collaborating with new people who have a distinct point of view and background. By attending events for professions closely related to your own, you can engage in conversations with people from diverse backgrounds. Another strategy you can use to accomplish this objective is connecting with individuals through social media networks like Facebook or Twitter. Doing so enables you to interface with people across the globe, thereby helping you attain fresh, distinct perspectives from individuals who may eventually become business partners or employees.

3. Stand Up To Discrimination.
One final technique that you can implement to build workplace diversity at a company is standing up to discrimination. In many cases, individuals are subjected to various forms of discrimination based on their age, race, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, or religious background. If discrimination transpires and is not openly identified and shunned, employees and managers may come to believe that this type of behavior is acceptable or even advocated. For this reason, it’s important for the business owner to stand up to any manifestation of discrimination that may transpire in the work setting.

To ensure that your staff members and business partners understand that you will not tolerate workplace discrimination, you may want to have a meeting in which you define the term and explain examples of it, according to DiversityInc. You may also want to incorporate an anti-discrimination code into your workplace handbook. Yet another strategy that may prove effective in addressing and eliminating discrimination is conducting periodic workshops on the subject. During these workshops, employees can share their experiences with being discriminated against, acting as the discriminator, or both. By cultivating an environment in which individuals have open and honest conversations about discrimination, you can diffuse work-related hostilities and promote a more inclusive, open-minded attitude that facilitates diversity.

Don’t Delay: Start Cultivating Workplace Diversity Today!
If you’re interested in making your business as successful as possible, remember that building workplace diversity is a great way to realize the goal. There are several strategies you can implement to make it happen. Three of them include focusing on the recruitment and retention process, networking in new places, and standing up to discrimination. By implementing these techniques synergistically and continuously, you will likely find that your company starts to move forward in a powerful way.