
3 Interesting Facts About Meniscus Transplant Surgeries

There are some surgical procedures that are typically associated with a particular age group of patients. Then there are others that are required by patients of virtually every group and activity level. Meniscus Transplant Surgeries are some procedures that fit into this category. They are performed by skilled surgeons who specialize in replacing a damaged or missing meniscus.

The body has two menisci between the tibia and the femur. These surgeries take the meniscus from a cadaver donor as a replacement. For some patients, this has been a long-term problem after a fall or accident. Athletes and sports enthusiasts of various types experience these injuries and end up needing replacement surgeries. Although the procedure is intricate, it only requires general anesthesia.

Every 61 people out of 100K will experience a meniscus tear. This injury occurs when the knee is twisted or bent in an unusual way. Older patients may experience what is referred to as a degenerative tear. The regular aging of this area causes weakness and being prone to a tear. Unfortunately, there are not always symptoms prior to an injury, which may require surgery.

1 – Helps Patients Avoid Arthritis

Some patients have put off this type of surgery for a while. There are a variety of symptoms experienced from a torn meniscus. One condition commonly associated with not having this transplant surgery is arthritis. Hopkins Medicine states that degrading cartilage causes bones to scrape together. This shows how important it is to deal with these issues through surgery, to help to avoid both arthritis and pain.

Depending on the surgeon that you choose, there may be an age limit on having this surgery. Some may prefer patients to be 55 years or younger. This is yet another reason to not wait too long to have these procedures performed. Addressing your symptoms early reduces discomfort and helps you to avoid additional problems.

2 – Provides You with Stability

Many patients will consult with an orthopedic surgeon when they start to experience specific symptoms. Pain is one example in this category, as well as, any sort of instability. This is often experienced when a patient is walking or standing. Not having replacement surgery for your meniscus could lead to falls or additional injuries in the future.

Those who have experienced shaking or trouble walking due to a torn or damaged meniscus understands the problem. Although there are aids that help with mobility is one option, but doesn’t offer a long-term solution. Transplants provide patients with a solution that will allow them to be confident no matter what they are doing.

3 – Restores the Entire Area

One of the best candidates for these surgeries is those who have had previous meniscus problems. Those with a partial meniscus, for example, are in jeopardy of additional problems. The transplant procedure, along with solving various physical issues, restores the entire area. It, in essence, makes it hold and functional for walking, running, and other activities.

In most cases, transplants are being performed on patients that have seen degradation or a loss of mobility. These procedures can result in a complete restoration of this area. Instead of living with bone loss and related troubles, it is better to have peace of mind. Athletes and those who are extremely active prefer this type of solution.

Consulting with your surgeon prior to your surgery is important. These appointments provide you with information about the surgery and the recovery phase. Another part of this process is to determine whether your condition makes you an appropriate candidate for the surgery. This requires fully evaluating the meniscus, the knee, and surrounding areas to get the best result for patients.